Cardigan Bay and West Wales Holiday

Join us for a five day break to the west coast of Wales.  Departing on the 16th of September 2024 enjoy visits to Shrewsbury, Aberystwyth and Devil’s Bridge; enjoy the gardens of Aberglasney along with a cream tea; wander around Tenby’s pretty cottages enjoy the rugged coastline of Cardigan Bay and travel home having seen the dragon fountain of Llandrindod Wells. Double click on the  flier to discover the full itinerary, cost and supplementsBooking opens on the 3rd of October at 09:20.  Singles are like hens’ teeth so remember to come early!!


Tuesday Notices 22.08.23

There will be no Coffee Morning on the 29th of August.

Please remember to park in the Cricket Club car park if the Church car park is full. Today we received complaints that cars parked near the Hall Lane junction were causing hold ups for traffic trying to turn right.

One place remains on the Gardening outing to Bridgewater.


Possible New Bowls for Fun Group

Bowls for fun – this is a potential new group looking for members interested in social bowling.
The season starts from April and ends in September but there may be some time for a few sessions before the end of September this year if we can get the numbers required.
(This group will not be based at Kensington House)
If you are interested in joining or just want more information, please contact Chris Chua-Short on 07780765235 or at

Tuesday Notices 15.08.23

🌟 Station Volunteers are holding a Coffee Morning in aid of Woodlands Hospice on Saturday 2nd of September from 11:00 – 15:00 at Maghull Station, Station Road. Your support would be gratefully appreciated.

🌟 Indoor Curling – our notice for those interested in trying out Indoor Curling has received quite a bit of attention. Don’t forget to get your name down before all the places are taken. Day, time and venue will be sorted once we have the required number of members.

🌟 Gardening trip 13th September – the trip to Bridgewater still has two spaces available. Contact the gardening desk for more info.

🌟 Day Trips – the next trip departs Maghull Square at 09:15 on Saturday the 19th of August.  Please be prompt.

🌟 History for Fun – 18th of August at the usual venue – the speaker will be Kate Hurst.

Tuesday Notices 08.08.23

🌟 A reminder there will be no Coffee Morning on the 29th of August. We are having a one week break.

🌟 A list has been placed on the u3a notice board where members who are interested in joining our proposed Indoor Curling group can add their names.

🌟 Members going on the Art Appreciation trip to the Liverpool Arts Fair tomorrow are reminded that they must meet at the Liver Building at 12:00 (noon).

🌟 Roberta Horsefall is selling copies of her poetry collections at the Coffee Morning. All proceeds will be donated to Woodlands.

🌟 History for Fun has invited Kaye Hurst to talk to the group on the 17th of August at Kensington House starting at 14:30.


🌟. August closure – There will be no u3a Tuesday Coffee Morning on the 29th of August.  Please be aware that this closure does not affect any groups. Check with your group leaders to find out when or if they are closing for the summer.

🌟 In accordance with our Health and Safety policy may I remind members that we do not allow dogs at our Coffee Mornings unless they are registered  Guide Dogs.


Great New Group Opportunity

New Group –  Indoor Curling

No doubt you’ve all watched (if only a bit) the game of Curling at the Winter Olympics and been fascinated by the furious brushing of the ice by the team members as they try to ensure their stone gets closest to the ‘jack’.

Well, we can’t offer you an ice rink (so no brushing needed) but we can offer you a chance to play Indoor Curling at an u3a near you!! Continue reading