Good Company Good Food Good Value

Fe gaeth y Dosbarth Cymraeg bryd o fwyd yn y Packet Steamer dydd Iau.  Roedd y bwyd yn dda ac y cwmni yn difri iawn.  Roedd digon o straeon i’w cael achilwio am air Cymraeg a oedd yn newydd i bawb.  Digon o hwyl a dipyn bach o Gymraeg hefyd.

The Welsh Group enjoyed a recent meal at the Packet Steamer in Aintree. Good food and great company meant everyone had a very pleasant lunch. The stories, reminiscences, the jokes came thick and fast and we even managed a little bit of Welsh on the way!!

Dathlu Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Saint David’s Day Celebration

Cawsom hwyl ddydd Iau diwethaf wrth i ni gasglu ynghyd i ddathlu Diwrnod Dewi Sant. Cawsom wledd wirioneddol gyda bwydydd traddodiadol Cymreig wedi’u golchi i lawr gyda photiau o de. Roedd ein bwydlen yn cynnwys bara brith, teisennau Cymreig, crempog,  a tart cenhinen a madarch a Rarebitt Cymru.
Fe wnaethon ni ddysgu am Dewi Sant a sut y daeth cenhinen yn arwyddlun Cymru. Wrth i ni ddod i ben, fe wnaethom ganu holl adnodau’r Anthem Genedlaethol.

We had fun last Thursday as we gathered together to celebrate Saintt David’s Day. We had a veritable feast with traditional Welsh foods washed down with pots of tea. Our menu consisted of bara brith, Welsh cakes, pancakes, leek and mushroom tarts and Welsh Rarebitt.
We learnt about Saint David and how the leek became the emblem of Wales. As a rousing finale we sang all the verses of the National Anthem.

A Magical Meal

Mi aeth y dosbarth Cymraeg am bryd o fwyd i’r ‘Left Babk’ yn Ormskirk dydd Iau diwethaf.  Cawsom bryd o fwyd ardderchog, cwmni gwych a dipyn o hud hefo’r cinio.  Mi welsom driciau wrth ddisgwyl am ein bwyd ac does gan neb ddin syniad sut ddaru y dyn weneud pethau ddiflannu a newid lle o flaen ein trwynau!!

Roedd cwmni difir i’w gael gyda’r ieuengaf ddim ond yn ddwy oed ar hynaf yn naw deg!

Last Thursday the Welsh Group met up for our usual meal of the month.  This month we were booked in at The Left Bank in Ormskirk.  The food was excellent, the company diverse and we were even given a magic show between courses.

From our youngest member who is all of two years of age to our oldest who is ninety all had a great time.

Keep The Grey Cells Working!


We’re all concerned with keeping our mental processes as sharp as can be , have you ever considered that a new challenge might just be what’s needed?

In a joint venture with Aintree U3A we hold Beginners and Improvers’ Bridge classes every Monday at Aintree Youth and Community Centre at 13:00.  If you’ve never tried the game why not give it a go?  Our new beginners group won’t start till September but you can dust off any skills you already have with our Improvers’ Group.

Come along on a Monday and see what we’re up to or give me a ring on 526 2530 – you know it makes sense!!!!!!!!!!

Bridge Group Comes Up Trumps


For the second time in 2017 the Improvers’ Bridge Group set off for a four day bridge holiday in St. Anne’s.

The hotel was resplendent (as were we) in its Christmas finery and the food was up to its usual excellent standard.

Each evening session began with cocktails followed by a four course meal and on one occasion we were visited by Father Christmas and his Elves.   His bulging sack held a surprise for each of us as we were handed our present for being good all year!!

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Highlights of Hampshire

Flyer 2

A date for your diary,  20th – 24th September 2018

Join us for a ‘Highlights of Hampshire’ five day/four night break next September staying at the 4* Norton Hotel just outside Winchester. Traveling by executive coach our break is on a half board basis at a cost of £425.00 (before the group discount) with single rooms available at a supplement of £80.00 for the first six rooms.  Additional rooms may well be subject to a higher supplement.

Our varied tour includes the city of Winchester; the Historic Dockyard at Portsmouth, home to The Mary Rose and the HMS Victory; a scenic drive through the New Forest to visit Beaulieu, including the National Motor Museum, Palace House and Gardens, Beaulieu Abbey and the World of Top Gear – plus more!

Booking opens on the 3rd October at the Holiday Desk  For additional info please click here or pick up one of our printed fliers or ring Jane on 526 2530

Hedd Wyn – the War Poet

Hedd Wyn – Un o Feirdd Rhyfel Cymru  One of the War Poets of Wales

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Ganwyd Ellis Humphrey Evans ar y 13fed o Ionawr 1887 ym Mhen Lan yng nghanol Trawsfynydd, Sir Feirionydd.  Roedd yr hynaf o unarddeg o blant a anwyd i Evan ac Mary Evans.  Yn 1887 symydodd y teulu i Yr Ysgwrn, fferm rhyw ddau fillitir tu allan i Traws.  Cafodd Ellis adysg drwy’r ysgol ac yr ysgol Sul ond bu rhaid iddo adel yr ysgol pan yr oedd yn pedwar ar ddeg i ddechrau gweithio fel bugail ar y fferm. O oed ifanc roedd yn amlwg fod gab Elllis dalent am farddoniaeth. Roedd eisoes wedi cyfansoddi ei gerddi cyntaf erbyn un ar ddeg oed. Cymerodd ran mewn eisteddfodau o pedwar ar bymtheg oed ac enillodd ei gadair gyntaf yn Penbedw ym 1917. Ym 1910, cymerodd yr enw barddol Hedd Wyn.  Enillodd Gadeiriau yn 1913 a 1915, ac yn yr un flwyddyn ysgrifennodd ei gerdd gyntaf ar gyfer Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru-Eryri, awdl i’r Wyddfa.

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