Architecture for fun

East Riddlesden Hall, Keighley and Piece Hall, Halifax

Thursday 10th May 2018.
Coach from Maghull Square approx. 8.30/8.45am.
East Riddlesden Hall is NT (guided tour £2.50), Piece Hall is non NT (guided tour £6.00).
Cost for East Riddlesden Hall , free to NT members , £6.65 to non NT members.
Lunch will be available at East Riddleden Hall at extra cost
Arrival time back in Maghull to be advised.
Cost , NT members £24.00 , non NT members £31.00.
Please see George Birchall or David Scott at AFF desk , payment due when booking.

Wine Tasting Tuesday 17th April 2018.

A wine tasting is to be held at “Winetime at Scatchards” in Great Howard Street on the above date starting at 7.00pm.

There will be 6 wines to taste from Puglia/Calabria together with Iberico Bellota Chorizo , Unpasteurised Organic Ewes Milk Cheese , a selection of olives and bread/biscuits.

The cost per person is £7.00 , members are to make there own way there or if there are sufficient numbers , taxi transport can be arranged.

There are 16 places still available.

See George Birchall at Wine Tasting desk (20/02/2018 only) or call 07826 048379 or 0151 287 0308.

Beginners Italian

A beginners Italian Language Course will begin on  Friday16th March 2018 from 1.30pm – 3.30pm and will  last 17 weeks with the exception of Good Friday ending on Friday 13th July.

The venue is Kensington House near to Maghull Station.

The course will be tutored by Lorenzo Stimolo who tutors 6 separate courses at Aughton and Ormskirk U3A from “beginners” to ” advanced”

The maximum number to attend the course is 15 (we already have 6 members) therefore 9 places are available.

The cost is £5.00 per session with 5 weeks payable in advance every 5 weeks.

Included in this cost is the hire of the tutor , the hire of the hall and tea/coffee in the interval.

Please contact George Birchall on 0151 287 0308 or 07826 048379 or call at the “Architecture for Fun” and “wine Tasting” desk on Tuesday mornings.