The Garden in March

Norman  49kbmugshot

When March arrives you should see robins,sparrows, and blackbirds flying across your garden with twigs leaves and moss that they are using to build their nests. I have started to help them by leaving moss, twigs and dried leaves by the feeders. Put out some nest boxes. Choose somewhere sheltered and you will soon have a family of birds in your garden. Continue reading

Gardening February


Hello fellow gardeners. As the first signs of spring arrive with some bulbs starting to show your garden will welcome a spring clean.  February is the best time to prune shrubs and  climbers and evergreen hedges  will  all benefit with a trim. If you have wisteria its the best time to prune to encourage new growth. You can also redesign the garden making some changes to the borders by splitting and moving perennials. Continue reading


Norman  49kbmugshot

Now that Spring is around the corner my first job is the lawn, the grass can often be on the long side after a mild winter so my first job is to mow off the top growth. DO NOT cut the grass to short and don’t scarify just yet but do rake of any leaves after your first cut. You will be able to inspect whether or not you have any problems, moss or weeds and  if so, use a spring fertilizer and moss killer. Starting now will give your lawn a good start as I have always mentioned, the lawn makes the garden. I f you do have problems please contact me and I will do my best to help. Continue reading


Norman  49kbmugshot

Hello and I wish you all a very happy new year. This month gardening is the last thing we think of especially when the weather has been so wet but their are some jobs we need to do especially if you have roses. Prune roses by cutting each stem to the lowest bud on the stem removing all dead wood and shortening the leader shoots about a third. You can also prune and shape any bare trees.

Fragrant winter flowers are available to buy and can be planted now. However I prefer to put mine in pots. One of the best for heavenly scent is Daphne odora. Continue reading