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Here are some of our walkers out tonight.  Up to 18 people Nordic walk on a Monday night at 6.30 from the Baptist Church.  Tonight we did just under 4 miles in 1.45hr our leader John cracked a good pace.  To join the group you need of completed a 4 hour course run by Active Sefton.   Details can be found on their website the course is free and they also provide the poles for you to use each week.  We have room for new members as two of the group Margaret and Diane have just completed their Nordic Walk Leaders course again this was free and run by Active Sefton. If you need more details come to the Group Support table on a Tuesday morning or ring Brenda McKnzie on 0151 531 0207


The treble recorder group could take up to about 5 new membeMusicNotes1rs.  You would need to have some very basic knowledge of music or had played an instrument before. We could also take total beginners providing they were committed to catching up with the others in the group. It is only a fun/social thing and there is no emphasis on playing in any professional capacity.

We have also been asked to perform in May at St. Andrews church when they commemorate 100 years end of WW1.  Lyn Maloret


Everyone you tell that you are going to walking netball smile and then lanetball 1ugh. Little do they know how difficult it is not to run, but having said that it is still very good exercise. We meet at West Lancashire College in Skelmersdale and use their exc
ellent facilities also we have the help of their sports tutor. We start off with warming up exercises then move on to play 10 mins each way, this may not sound very much but I can assure you it is. What could be better than keeping fit and having fun as well. Cheryl Mercer.  New members welcome.


We meet for two hours every week on a Thursday morning. We are a group of people with some knowledge of German and a wish to improve it. We have people in our group who have studied no German since school, people who have stayed in Germany for a period, but a long time ago and people who only recently started a self study internet course. We are not for raw beginners but our skills range from a good basic understanding up to a good intermediate level. We use a lot of internet material and try to improve our German through studying stories for beginners, watching video clips and reading ad hoc articles from various sources. Newcomers are welcome. Peter Duffy

Sunday Strollers 18th February Southport

February’s walk will be an easy 1.5 hours flat walk around the lake and gardens in Southport, followed by fish and chips in a local cafe.  We completed a recce today in bright sunshine, lets hope we are as lucky on the 18th.  We had thought of getting the 11.03 bus but have decided to keep to our usual time of meeting up and will be getting the 11.03 bus (300) from opposite the old library on Liverpool Road.

We have decided on our walks for 2018 which include, a short version of the War Horse trail in Ormskirk, a walk along the canal at Chester, Carr Mill Dam, Ainsdale station to Pinewoods pub, Moreton to New Brighton.  We try to find somewhere to have lunch at the end of each walk which makes it more like a day out.  We use public transport so don’t forget to bring your bus pass (if you have one) If you want more details visit the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning.


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After the success of our Zumba 1 class on Monday morning, Zumba 2 started three weeks ago on a Friday afternoon.  The feedback from both classes has been very positive.  One of ladies shared “its just want we needed” another “love it, love it, love it”.  The music used is proving very popular.   We are very grateful to Active Sefton for providing 6 free sessions for our members and as with Zumba 1, Zumba 2 will continue on a pay as you go system when the free sessions have finished.  There are now enough people on the waiting list for the Friday afternoon for another class and Active Sefton are prepared to offer the ladies on the list a free course, the only problem we have now is trying to find a slot.  So watch this space in the future for Zumba 3.  We would all like to thank Collette our fabulous teacher.

Sunday Strollers

Today 11 of us walked from Old Roan to Maghull and then 4 others members joined us for lunch at Scrummies.  We all agreed the scouse was great and the weather was as kind as it could be to us and we only had light rain when we were walking.    We have sorted out our walks for 2018 and will be going to Chester, Carr Mill Dam, New Brighton, Ormkirk (War Horse Walk) Southport, West Kirby, all using our bus passes.   If you want more information come to Group Support Desk on a Tuesday morning.

phote from canal old roan photo


Sunday Strollers will be walking this Sunday 21st January.  We will get the 11 o clock train from Maghull to Old Roan and walk back along the canal to Maghull.  This is a flat 4.5 mile walk, the walking surface is good and we plan to have lunch at Scrummies at 1.15pm.  We need to book for lunch so need numbers by Friday.  If the weather is not suitable to walk we still intend to go for lunch and discuss what walks we are going to do this year.  Please ring 0151 531 0207 or 07900525222 and speak to John or Brenda.  Below are pictures when we did the recce last week.  As you can see we were lucky with the weather it was very cold but sunny so a very enjoyable walk.  Some times we do not appreciate what is on our door step!!!.

photo from canal old roan 2 phote from canal old roan