Sunday Strollers 17th March

This months walk will take place in Southport.  We are going to get 300 bus at 11 o’clock from the bus stop opposite the old library on Liverpool Road North.  This is an easy walk and we plan to have fish and chips at the end of the walk.  Margaret McLoughlin is leading this walk.  Group Support will have more information if needed at the weekly coffee morning.  Below is picture taken on our last walk.

Law For Fun Important Notice

We have had an exceptional amount of interest from members who may wish to attend  our new group “Law for Fun” . In order to ensure it is a pleasurable experience for the leader and members, numbers attending the first meeting will be limited to 50.  Anyone wishing to attend can obtain an allocated ticket at the Tuesday Coffee morning from the Group Support Desk for a payment of £1.50.  This will cover admission and refreshments.  Entry without a ticket may not be possible. The first meeting will be on 21st March at 2-4pm in Lydiate Village Hall in Lambshear Lane.

History for Fun

This month we had a fascinating talk on Isambard Kingdom Brunel presented by John Blundell.

Brunel was an outstanding engineer who built railways, bridges and tunnels.  He also built three ships, the largest of which the Great Eastern was scrapped and broken up on Merseyside. You still can see a piece of it in Liverpool to this day. Where?  If you had been at the meeting you would know !

Next meeting – Kensington House at  2.30pm 15th March

Subject : Stephen & Matilda (the forgotten civil war)

Sunday Strollers February walk

The Sunday Strollers decided to stay local again and walked from the Old Roan back to Maghull along the canal.  After a great meal last month we decided to return to Scummies this time for a Hot Pot lunch, which got the thumbs up from everyone.  Nicky and her team really look after us and most of us were able to force seconds down!!!! The meal was excellent value.  Thank you Nicky.  We meet on the third Sunday of the month so our next walk will be on 17th March when Margaret Mcloughlin is leading a walk in Southport were we are hoping to have a fish and chip lunch after our walk.

Law for Fun 21st March

John Dilworth is one of our new members.  He is willing to start a new group which we are calling Law for Fun.  This is what John  has to say about the new Group

“I am a recently retired  Barrister. In the first session of “Law for Fun” I will share with you details of my unconventional journey into the law. I will also tell you about different roles I have had during 40 years within our Criminal Justice System. “Law for Fun” is probably something of a misnomer because law is a serious business. During my career I have dealt  cases that have impacted tragically on those involved. Law also involves conflict which is  rarely a good thing. Law can often be complex and at times mystifying. My aim will be to unravel some of the complexity  by talking to you about some legal topics that may be of interest to you. I hope that the talks will be inter active and that you ask lots of questions. By adopting this approach we can enjoy “Law for Fun”! Continue reading

New Group – Law For Fun

One of our new members is a qualified Barrister and has recently retired from a “life of crime” that spanned over 40 years and in his words is now living on the proceeds.

He is willing to talk about a number of legal topics in a relaxed and entertaining way.

He will not  talk about whether you should pay your parking tickets from Maghull Square but will provide a light hearted look at some legal topics (and perhaps to bust some urban myths!

Some of the topics that could be covered:

  • Human Rights, what is all the fuss about?
  • How does the European Convention on Human Rights impact on the Criminal Justice System?

He will also try to cover any other topic that people may be interested in for example :-

  • How did a humble snail have such a huge impact on English Law?
  • What did we learn from two sailors and a cabin boy that is still being talked about today?
  • Why do I have a car that is impossible to rob?

We need to know  how many people would be interested in attending this group before we  book a suitable venue. We hope to start the group in March on the afternoon of the  3rd Thursday  (21st March).  If you are interested please add your name to the list on the Group Support Desk or text Brenda on 07900525222

Sunday Strollers January

18 members took part in the January Sunday Strollers walk and three other members joined us for Sunday lunch at Scrummies.  In February we are going to walk from the Old Roan to Maghull and a shorter walk from Wango Lane to Maghull .  We will have lunch at Scrummies again.  This time we will have Hot Pot after thoroughly enjoying our scouse today.  Further details of these monthly walks can be found on the Group Support desk at the coffee morning on a Tuesday .

Job Vacancy


There are lots of opportunities to go to the Cinema at a reduced price for the over 60’s.  We are looking for someone who would identify these opportunities and share with our members.   For example: Age Concern Crosby run a Flicks and Friends once a month at the Plaza in Waterloo.  The dates are:

  • 26th February
  • 19th March
  • 23rd April
  • 21st May
  • 18th June

In the same cinema the Dementia Friendly Group have films on the third Thursday of the month at 2pm  with a carefully curated programme blending musicals and classic films, designed to prompt memories and open up conversation about shared experiences.  For further information about these specialist screenings contact Christine Physick on 0151 928 1530 or email

Group Support would help you initially.  It would be great if we could get two people willing to work together.  Please contact Brenda Mckenzie on 07900525222 if you are interested in the role.

Dance Fit

Both classes have now finished and will be
back after Christmas on:

Friday 4th January at 2,30pm and
Monday 7th January 9.00am

There are still a few places available in the Friday class.  Colette also runs a stretch and relax class on a Thursday morning .  Visit Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning for more details

Sunday Strollers 20th January

We will be offering two local walks in January. Both finishing at Scrummies, near Maghull station,  for a bowl of home-made scouse (other meals are available).  We have been to Scrummies at this time of the year for the last two years as it is a firm  favourite with our walkers .  If the weather is unsuitable for walking we will still meet for lunch, so we plan our walks for 2019.

John and I are happy to lead 4 walks and co-ordinate the others. So if you are happy to lead a walk bring the details with you in January. The January walks will be approx: 3 and 5 miles long.  Both walks will be flat.  Further details will be posted near the time. Below are some pictures from walks we have done this year. As you can see we like to finish with a meal and a drink and the social part is just as important as the walking.