Caligraphy New Group

Up to now we have 9 people showing interest in joining this group.  We are at present looking for a suitable venue, and looking to start it on a Wednesday afternoon 2 to 4 pm.  If you are still interested or you would like to be added to the list can you see Brenda McKenzie on 16/4 at Group Support desk or text me on 07900525222

Active Sefton Walking program

Active Sefton held a launching event for their new Independent Walk Route pack on 3rd April.  The Mayor of Sefton attended and we were invited to give an overview of how we have worked with Active Sefton to provide groups for our members which include:

  • Nordic Walking
  • Cycling
  • Dance Fit

From 16/4 on the Group Support desk we will have copies of their latest pack of Independent Walk Routes which includes 12 walks from previous packs.  They will be producing a further pack later in the year with 12 new walks.  Also the new Sefton Spring Walking and Cycling newsletter is now available from the library and we have some copies



Law for Fun 18th April 2- 4pm

After the very popular taster session for this group interested members signed up to be part of this group.  The group at present is now full.  

“In the second meeting of the “Law for Fun” group, John Dilworth will explain how the Crown Prosecution Service works. In particular John will focus on the application of the Code for Crown Prosecutors. Members of the group will be presented with some scenarios to decide whether, if they were prosecutors, they would prosecute or not”

Law For Fun

After the taster session for the above group, members were asked to either visit the Group Support Desk on 25/3 or to text me on 07900525222 to ask to join the Law for Fun group. There are just 2 places left.  If you want to join the group you will need to be quick.  Text me on the above number please.

New Group? Guitars

Would you be interested in learning how to play a guitar or would you be prepared to help others?  We have two members who would be willing to run the group.  So the first step is to see if there is any interest.  Can you come to the Group Support desk next Tuesday or text me on 07900525222 (Brenda McKenzie)  The next step would be to have a meeting for interested members and then decide when and where.

Sunday Strollers 17th March

15 walkers took the wind head on in Southport today.  The sun did come out and the rain stayed away but the cobwebs were definitely blown away!  The fish and chip lunch went down very well after our 3 mile steady walk.  We all agreed that we had never seen waves so high in the lake in Southport before it looked like the Mersey!.  You can see in the picture above.  Also we were all happy to following the notice that said “No Swimming”  Thank you to Margaret McLoughlin for leading the walk.

There is no walk next month as it is due on Easter Sunday.  Our next walk is on 19th May when we will be going to Chester.  This will be more of  “A Who Done It” .  We will find the answers to clues which can be found around Chester.  This is something new we are willing to try.  We will finish up having lunch and hopefully we will be successful in solving all the clues.  Travelling arrangements will be posted on this site nearer the time.

New Group? Calligraphy Meeting 19/03

One of our members has donated a beginners book on Calligraphy and some starter sets.  We asked at the coffee morning yesterday if anyone is interesting in having a go.  We do not have a leader so it would be a group of people learning as they go,  Four people have already shown interest . So if you are interested please text or ring me (Brenda McKenzie) on 07900525222.  I plan to hold a meeting at the coffee morning next week at 10.45 at the Group Support desk for interested people, to see if we can move this group forward.

Law for Fun UPDATE

The Law for Fun group is now full.  50 people have purchased tickets to attend the first meeting of this group on 21st March at Lydiate Village Hall Lambshear Lane 2-4pm.  Only people with tickets can attend the first meeting of this group.  We may be able to have a second group in the future if we have enough people.