Practical Gardening Group

practical_gardening_logo18 members showed an interest in forming the Practical Garden Group. At an initial meeting it was decided to meet on a Monday morning at 10.30 once a month and the following ideas were put forward:-
  • Identifying a weed from a plant.
  • To talk about gardening with like minded people
  • Exchange  seeds and plants
  • Would nurseries be willing to have meetings (Cheryl to investigate)
  • Allotment at Hudson School (Pat Snape had made enquiries about a piece of land at the school and David Ward volunteered to investigate further)
  • Where should we hold meetings? St. Andrew’s Hall, the Sanctuary and Hudson School were  suggested.
  • With changing weather what plants can withstand all the rain? – photo any in your garden that have withstood the recent heavy rain.
  • Hints on taking cuttings
  • Treating diseases
  • Demonstrations by members

It was decided to hold another meeting asap so the group is meeting on Monday18th July in 57 Deyes Lane at 10.30 with the subject of identifying weeds that members bring with them. We will then decide where to hold regular meetings.

It was hoped to get an allotment immediately. Brian Leach commented that it would need digging before planting could take place. A number of members are prepared to dig.
Members were asked if they would be prepared to be Group co-ordinator. No one volunteered as yet but members seemed willing to take turns in leading sessions. So all in all a good start to the new group.

Driving Safer for Longer

Free Courses for drivers over 65 run by Merseyside Road Safety Partnership

121 Sessions- What does it involve- It is a free informal and confidential course, which aims to enhance your current driving skillsIt is not a driving test, so there is no pass or fail.  The instructor will discuss your requirements and concerns before the course and tailor sessions to meet your needs.  They will look at the way you deal with various traffic situations on familiar roads and make recommendations to help ensure continual safety.  Your tailor made course will be delivered in a two hour practical driving session.

Most drivers prefer to use their own vehicle, however if you wish, an appropriate fully insured manual or automatic vehicle can be provided.  Please ring:

0151 606 2143 and speak to Kathy Hall, if you would like to book a 2 hour 121 course.

Group Workshop

They would also be willing to run a group workshop for us, we would need 8-25 people to run a course at our U3A. The session can take up to 2 hours depending on the size of the group. The work shop would cover 5 areas for the drivers to consider

  • Life style
  • Eyesight
  • Mobility
  • Public transport
  • Driver assessment

The instructor will discuss each subject with the group give information and advice. The session is quite informal and lots of freebies and a work folder will be given out. We then have a go on the brake reaction tester which can become quite competitive!

If you are interested intake part in a group session please see Brenda McKenzie on a Tuesday morning or ring 0151 531 0207.  We would probably look to September/October to run this course.



Next Sunday Stroller Walks

24th July – Ormskirk War Horse trail (shorten version) we need to find somewhere to have lunch in Ormskirk any suggestions?

21st August – New Brighton to Moreton.  We will get train to Hoylake when we have finished and have lunch at the Ship

25th September – Ainsdale to Formby- Lunch at Pinewoods

23rd October – West Kirkby to Caldy- Need to find somewhere in West Kirkby to have lunch.

20th November – Sefton Stroll meeting at Punch Bowl

No walk in December

Except for the walk in November when we will meet at The Punch Bowl,(we will sort out lifts if needed)  we will meet at Maghull Station at 10.50.  If you have a pass please bring it with you. Keep checking website for further details   John McKenzie 07900525222.

Sunday Strollers June walk.


14 members of the Sunday walking group completed a 5 mile walk from Hightown to Freshfield today (26thJune).  Everyone agreed it had been a great leisurely walk.  The leader John McKenzie tries to find walks that are:

  • about 5 miles long
  • on the flat
  • finish at a nice pub for lunch
  • that gives people the opportunity to cut short the walk, if 5 miles is to long for them.

Today’s walk ticked all these boxes.  One other member joined us for lunch after completing a mile walk to get to pub and a mile back to the station, a total of 2 miles. Well done Roberta!!!

The groups next walk will be on 24th July, meeting at Maghull Station at 10.50.  The route to be advised at a later date.  John would love to hear from anyone who knows of walks that fit the above criteria.


We may soon have to think about changing the name of this group!  On our latest walk we set off from Sandhills station and walked along the canal, and Dock Road until we reached the Pier Head, where we had a short stop for a coffee or ice cream and then carried on to the Britannia pub.  After Sunday lunch some of the group decided to carry on to the site IMG_0624of the Garden Festival and get the train at St Michaels, some got the bus/train  back to Liverpool, whilst the rest of the group retraced their steps back to Moorfields, covering 10 miles!!!!  Thanks to Judith and Ken for leading this walk, it was all on the flat and people were given options along the route to shorten or lengthen the walk to meet their personal needs.


Strollers- Moreton to Hoylake


15 members took part in a walk from Moreton to Hoylake on 17th April approx 4.5 miles.  The weather was kind to us and we had sunshine all the way.John the leader had found an excellent pub to have Sunday lunch in when we reached Hoylake.

If you like the idea of having Sunday lunch with a group check out the proposed new group starting 5th June, for further details see notice board or speak to Marg Atlay on the holiday/trip desk.

The  next U3A Sunday walks will be on: Continue reading

Real Ale Appreciation Group

The next meeting of the Real Ale Appreciation Group will take place on;
Friday, 29th April 2016  – 1 pm, at;
The North Western, Liverpool ‘Lime Street ‘ station.
If you wish you can have lunch here.
We will then be visiting Dr Duncan’s, The White Star and  The Globe.
 We will be using Central Station for arrival and departure.