Theatre Group

Theatre Group August 2017

27th Oct                     Giselle (Ballet)

Empire Theatre       £33.00 TT

Fri 24th Nov             War Horse

Empire Theatre       £48.00 ticket only

21st Dec                    Spirit of Christmas

Philharmonic           £43.00 TT

31st Dec                    New Year’s Eve

Philharmonic           £42.00 TT

TT = Ticket and Transport

Please order your New Year and Spirit of Christmas tickets by the end of October.

Due to the high cost of transport we will not provide transport to Liverpool Theatres unless there is sufficient demand.

However, if you cannot get to the theatre without transport  we will discuss other options if you come to the theatre desk on a Tuesday morning.

We do not want you to miss out.  So please come and discuss all options with us.

Theatre Group

Theatre Group – July 2017

8th Sept        Cilla                          Empire Theatre       £45.00 TT

27th Oct        Giselle (Ballet)         Empire Theatre       £33.00 TT

21st Dec       Spirit of Christmas  Philharmonic           £43.00 TT

31st Dec        New Year’s Eve       Philharmonic           £42.00 TT

TT = Ticket and Transport.  Click link to see show details.

We will only have 35 tickets for the New Year show.  Please book early as we wish to buy the tickets by the end of October.  This will allow us to distribute them by the end of November and will avoid the last minute panic when we close for Christmas.

Theatre Group

Theatre Group Newsletter June 2017

Please book your tickets at the Coffee Morning

Cilla                                       Empire Theatre

Fri 8th Sep                             TT to be arranged

Giselle                                  Empire Theatre

Friday 27th October             TT to be arranged

 Die Fledermaus                 Empire Theatre

Fri 10thNov                           TT to be arranged

 War Horse                          Empire Theatre

Friday 1st December          TT to be arranged

TT = Ticket and transport

Due to changes in booking arrangements at some theatres shows will be advertised in advance of booking. This allows members to see what is coming in the near future. If you are interested in any show that is advertised, please give your name to the theatre desk. When we have sufficient interest, we will contact the theatre and finalise the cost of the show.

If you put your name down and change your mind; please let us know before we buy the tickets.  We cannot return tickets and you might not get a refund.

Theatre Group


Last Night of Proms         Philharmonic  Sat   22nd July    TT £40.00

Tickets to be ordered by 13th June

Cilla Friday                        Empire           8th Sep      TT tba

Giselle                               Empire          27th Oct      TT tba

Die Fledermaus                 Empire          10th Nov      TT tba

War Horse                         Empire           1st Dec       TT tba

TT = Ticket and transport.   tba = to be arranged

Due to changes to booking arrangements at some of the theatres, shows will be advertised in advance of booking.  This allows members to see what is coming in the near future.  If you are interested in any show which is advertised, please give your name to the the Theatre Group.  When we have sufficient interest, we will then contact the theatre and obtain the cost of the show.

If you put your name down for a show and change your mind, please let us know before we buy the tickets, because we cannot return tickets and you might not get a refund.


Theatre Group

Last Night of Proms     Saturday 22nd July

Philharmonic                £40.00 ticket and transport

Please book by Tuesday 13th June

We are taking names of those interested in the following shows.  Please come to the Theatre Group desk on Tuesday mornings.  We will confirm cost and book the shows when we have enough names.

Cilla                         Friday 8th  September      Liverpool Empire

Giselle                     Friday  27th October         Liverpool Empire

Die Fledermaus       Friday 10th November      Liverpool Empire

War Horse               Friday 1st December        Liverpool Empire

Theatre Group

Theatre Group, 27th March 2017

Empire Theatre                  Wednesday 24th May

Billy Elliot                              £44.00 TT

Everyman                             Friday 2nd June

Romeo & Juliet                    £34.00 TT

Empire Theatre                  Thursday 29th June

The Red Shoes (ballet)      £36.00 TT

TT  = Ticket and transport.

Theatre Group

Update 3rd March 2017

Empire Theatre      Thursday 13th April    Ghost                                 £37.00 TT

Everyman                Friday 2nd June          Romeo & Juliet                   £34.00 TT

Empire Theatre      Thursday 29th June    The Red Shoes (ballet)      £36.00 TT

TT =Ticket and transport.

Theatre Group

Thurs 9th Feb           Sunny Afternoon

Empire Theatre       £49.50 TT (sold out)

Friday 24th Feb       Thoroughly Modern Millie

Empire Theatre       £38.00TT

Friday 10th March  Funny Girl

Empire Theatre       £49.00 TT (sold out)

Friday 2nd June       Romeo and Juliet

Everyman                 £34.00TT

Please order you ticket by 1st March

Thurs 29th June       The Red Shoes (Ballet)

Empire Theatre       £36.00 TT

TT = ticket and transport

Theatre Group

Future dates

Thurs 9th Feb           Sunny Afternoon

Empire Theatre       £49.50 TT

Friday 24th Feb      Thoroughly Modern Millie

Empire Theatre       £38.00 TT

Friday 10th March  Funny Girl

Empire Theatre       £49.00 TT (sold out)

Thurs 29th June       The Red Shoes (Ballet)

Empire Theatre       £36.00

Key TT= Ticket and transport