Dear Theatregoers
Thankyou for showing interest in joining us at the theatre. We have booked tickets for Midnight Bell, on Thursday 21st October at 7.30 pm at the Playhouse Theatre.. The tickets cost £33.00 and will need to be paid for by the end of August. The tickets are in the stalls on rows C and D 15-20 and are good seats.
It is a Dance Theatre event “Matthew Bourne’s new World Premiere which explores London life in the 1930s where ordinary people emerge from their cheap boarding houses nightly to pour out their passions, hopes and dreams in the pubs and bars of fog-bound Soho. The Midnight Bell, a tavern where one particular lonely-heart’s club gather to play out their lovelorn affairs of the heart; bitter comedies of longing, frustration, betrayal and redemption”.
We will travel on the train from Maghull Station together for the event.
As this is a new way of booking a show you will be asked to send a cheque to the address given to you on the phone together with a stamped addressed envelope. We will hold on to the cheques until we are ready to make the final payment. If things don’t work out as planned we will then be able to return your cheque.
Please ring one of the following numbers:
Pat Kelly 0151 476 1726
Sue Quinn 0151 287 5285
Ann Unsworth 0151 480 7398