Theatre Group

Playhouse Theatre – Wed 25th May – As You Like It.

Tickets cost £23.00. Please book by Tuesday 1st March

Performance starts at 7.30pm

Book at Theatre Desk at the Baptist Church Maghull, at the Tuesday coffee morning. Please pay in full by cheque.
We will hold on to your cheque and deposit the payments after the closing date.  If you have to cancel before cheques are banked, then your cheque will be returned to you.

Theatre Group

The Theatre Group is looking to arrange a short trip to London this year, maybe June or September.  It will include a tour of the Shakespearean iconic open air Globe Theatre as well as a tour called ‘Legal London Tour’, which is a guided tour of the Royal Courts of Justice and a wander through the secret alleys and courtyards.  Along with a talk on the history of the Old Bailey.

We would also have some free time to do what you chose in London or you may like to make suggestions to us such as a west end show or similar.

Can you let us know if you would be interested in this 2 night trip to London and if there is enough interest we will ask Airdale Tours to arrange a price for us?

Theatre Group

Please refer to my recent post dated 17th January.

The closing date for the Nutcracker at the Empire should read 25th January and not 1st February.

Also the closing date for Anything Goes at the Empire should read Tuesday 22nd February and no 1st March.

We apologise for the short notice to book for the Nutcracker, but it is the theatre who control these dates.

Theatre Group

Empire – Thursday 3rd March, Matinee 2.30 pm. Matthew Bourne’s Nutcracker
Tickets £39.00. Please book by Tuesday 1st February

Empire – Thursday 21st April, Matinee 2.30 pm Anything Goes
Tickets £28.00. Please book by Tuesday 1st March

Book at Theatre Desk at the Baptist Church Maghull. Please pay in full by cheque.
We will hold on to your cheque and deposit the payments after the closing date.  If you have to cancel before cheques are banked, then your cheque will be returned to you.

Theatre Group

The Empire Theatre Wednesday 9th Feb at 2.30 pm. ‘Chicago’  £38.50

The Empire Theatre, Tuesday 15th February at 7.30 pm. ‘The Snow Maiden’. Russian State Ballet of Siberia.  £28.00

The closing date for payment of both of these shows is Tuesday 14th December.

Come to the theatre desk, at the Baptist Church on Tuesday morning to book.

Please pay the full amount by cheque.  Nb: cheques will not be banked until we are ready to buy the tickets.  If you have to cancel before the tickets have been purchased, we will be able to return your cheque.

Theatre Group

We are pleased to announce 3 new shows:

St George’s Hall, Sunday 5th December at 2.00 pm
Magic of Christmas Musicals. Tickets £18.00

The Philharmonic, Saturday evening, 11th December
Swinging Christmas.  Tickets £42.00

Everyman Thursday 13th January at 1.30 pm
Robin Hood, The pantomime. Tickets £17.00

The theatres can only hold the seats for a limited time, please book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Please come to the theatre desk, at the Baptist Church on Tuesday morning to book.

We will no longer be taking payment by installments.  Please pay the full amount by cheque.  Nb. the cheques will not be banked until we are ready to buy the tickets.  If you have to cancel before the tickets have been purchased, we will be able to return your cheque.

Theatre Group

We are now booking for Riverdance The 25th Anniversary, on 10th November at the Empire Theatre. Please come to the theatre desk at the coffee morning to book..
Trips for the future
Swinging  Xmas. 11th December at the Philharmonic
January. Panto at the Everyman – Robin Hood
14th/15th February. Russian State Ballet; Romeo and Juliet or Snow Maiden.
If you are interested in any of these shows please express your interest at the coffee morning .

Theatre Group

Dear Theatregoers

Thankyou for showing interest in joining us at the theatre.  We have booked tickets for Midnight Bell, on Thursday 21st October at 7.30 pm at the Playhouse Theatre..  The tickets cost £33.00 and will need to be paid for by the end of August. The tickets are in the stalls on rows C and D 15-20 and are good seats.

It is a Dance Theatre event “Matthew Bourne’s new World Premiere which explores London life in the 1930s where ordinary people emerge from their cheap boarding houses nightly to pour out their passions, hopes and dreams in the pubs and bars of fog-bound Soho. The Midnight Bell, a tavern where one particular lonely-heart’s club gather to play out their lovelorn affairs of the heart; bitter comedies of longing, frustration, betrayal and redemption”.

We will travel on the train from Maghull Station together for the event.

As this is a new way of booking a show you will be asked to send a cheque to the address given to you on the phone together with a stamped addressed envelope.  We will hold on to the cheques until we are ready to make the final payment.  If things don’t work out as planned we will then be able to return your cheque.

Please ring one of the following numbers:

Pat Kelly               0151 476 1726

Sue Quinn             0151 287 5285

Ann Unsworth        0151 480 7398


Theatre Group

Hello Everybody.  We are looking at Theatre trips this Autumn.

Because there is no coffee morning we have decided to draw up a list of theatregoers so we can keep in touch.  If you would like to be included please send your email address.  If you know of anyone who might be interested please let them know.

The address is

We want to include everybody.  If you do not have and email address then a phone number would be fine. We will advertise shows shortly.