Hightown to Waterloo

Thursday 8th Sept saw ten walkers assemble at Hightown Station for what could have been a very damp walk as the rain had been fairly constant up till then, however to use an old nursery rhyme “out came the sun and dried up all the rain”so off we set ,nobody fancied going over the sandhills so Pam Bennet knew of a new concreted track and led the way. On arrival at the Royal Hotel places had been reserved for us and we enjoyed a good lunch.

Bill Langham

Theatre group

Newsletter: Theatre Group 9 August 2016

Thurs 27t Oct Southport Little Theatre Ladies in Lavender £11.00 ticket only         

Fri 28th Oct Philharmonic Carl Davies at 80 £42.50TT

Sun 20th Nov Philharmonic Benedetti’s Brahms £31.00 ticket only

Thurs 22nd Dec Philharmonic Spirit of Christmas £40.00 TT

Fri 25th Nov Playhouse When We are Married J B Priestly £32.00 TT                                

Sat 31st Dec Philharmonic New Year – Joe Stilgoe £39.00 TT

Key: TT Ticket and transport.

Transport can be arranged for Benedetti’s Brahms if required.

Fri 14th October Playhouse The Rivals

(The same company as produced the Madame Bovary play earlier this year).

Fri 11th November Playhouse Woman in Black

We are estimating a cost of around £32.00 for both these productions.

To be confirmed when we have a number of bookings


Theatre Group

Future dates until the year end.

Fri 16th Sep                        Chicago                                       £44.00 TT

Fri 14th Oct                        Sister Act                                     £44.00 TT

Fri 28th Oct                        Carl Davies at 80                         £42.50 TT

Sun 20th Nov                     Benedetti’s Brahms                     £31.00 ticket only

Thur 22nd Dec                   Spirit of Christmas                       £40.00 TT

Sat 31st Dec                      Joe Stilgoe Hollywood Classics  £39.00 TT

TT= Ticket and Transport





Theatre Group

Please find our latest shows.  NB Only 2 tickets left for Bridgewater Hall


Sunday   31st July         Last Night of the Proms   Bridgewater Hall        £42.00 TT

Friday     16th Sep         Chicago                              Empire                         £44.00 TT

Friday      14th Oct          Sister Act                           Empire                         £44.00 TT

Key: TT Ticket and transport. 

Walking Group

Thursday 7th July      Outing by coach to Barley/Pendle Hill

We propose to travel to Barley where there will be a choice of two walks.

A)   Keith Graham will lead a circular walk to the top of Pendle Hill and back down            into Barley ( fairly strenuous with a climb of approx 1000feet)

B)    Margaret Schumacher will lead a gentler walk of around 5 miles with some                uphill.

The cost will be £12 and the numbers limited to 41
If interested give your name with a five pound deposit to Bill at the walking desk. Balance to be paid by 14th June.
The coach will depart from Central Square at 9.30 and leave for home at 5.00pm

Walk from the Nags Head

Today was the walk from the Nags head in Thornton and once again we were blessed with decent weather. Twenty people started the walk ably led by Ian Gent. The route was down a road (Holgate) leading to a pedestrian crossing over the new Brooms Cross road and carrying on to Lunt Road. At this point Ian had to divert from the chosen route as the intended path was flooded. Suffice to say we eventually arrived in Little Crosby and what a delightful place it is, only best appreciated by walking. The pub was finally reached at1.00 o’clock  where tables had been reserved for us. Cheers! Here’s to the next walk.

Bill Langham