Anthony Radcliffe wood engraving workshop.

We have been offered an extraordinary workshop by Kirkby Gallery and Anthony following our lovely visit today.

This workshop is back by popular demand following our visit in 2019.  Here are some of the works we created.

Anthony has created some of the most beautiful art work, and if you’d like to view some, log on to Kirkby Gallery website and type in Anthony Radcliffe.

November 14th has been suggested for our next visit at a cost £30.00 which includes materials. We have room for 15 members only. Lunch is not included. Please confirm your interest at our desk


St Johns Beacon and Dr. Duncans 21/11/24

Arrangements are in hand to take the lift to the top of St Johns Beacon for a 360 degree view of Liverpool and the surrounding area.

After which we will move to Dr Duncans , a fabulous and architecturally interesting public house on St Johns Lane where we will have private use of “the beautiful and historic tile room” where a buffet lunch will be served (a wide variety of drinks can be purchased at extra cost)

Members are to make their own way to St Johns Beacon (Time to be confirmed but in the morning)

Cost is £20 per member which includes entrance fees and lunch

Please see George or Jeff at AFF desk or text George on 07826 048379

Morecambe and Heysham trip 17/10/24

I have previously added a post requesting members who are booked on the above to notify me if they have any FOOD ALLERGIES

To date I am only aware of one member who has previously advised me

If any member who has an allergy does not notify me , it may be that they will have to be satisfied with whatever the sandwiches in the afternoon tea consist of

You can see me at the U3A coffee morning , text me on 07826 048379 or call me on 0151 287 0308

Architecture for Fun

Morecambe and Heysham trip 17th October 2024

I have one place available for the above trip , cost is £42 which includes all travel , coffee/tea on arrival at Morecambe Winter gardens , a tour of the recently refurbished theatre , afternoon tea , then to Heysham to visit Heritage Centre , Church and chapel and more

If any member has dietary requirements  , vegan , vegetarian , pescatarian etc please  text on 07826 048379 or inform George personally at U3A coffee morning

Christmas Lunch 13th December 2024

Will members who booked a place please visit the AFF desk and pay the required amount (£27)

There are only a few places left on a “first come first served basis”

A reserve list will be set up after all places have been booked