North Wales Wine Tour

I have now obtained details of the dinner for the first night ie. 24th September

I have made out a copy for each member

Members are , if possible , to attend the coffee morning on Tuesday 3rd September to complete their choices , sign and date the copy and leave with me

Your urgent attention would be appreciated as I have to send off the completed menus to the hotel and Airedale as soon as possible

Any problem please advise me via a text on 07826 048379

Many thanks

Theatre Group

New Shows

The Nutcracker Ballet, at The Empire Theatre on Saturday 11th January at 2.30pm. Tckets £36.50.

The Merchant of Venice 1936, at the Playhouse Theatre on Thursday 6th February at 1.30pm. Tickets £28.50.

La Boheme by Puccini, at the Empire Theatre on Friday 7th February at 7.30 pm. Tickets £36.50

Those members who attended A Night at the Opera at St George’s Hall in June, thoroughly enjoyed it. Why not try a full opera. This is the best one to start with. If this was written by Andrew Lloyd Webber you would know that you were going to enjoy it. What would be the show stopping songs, in Italian are called Arias. Above the stage there will be surtitles so you can follow the story. A synopsis of the show will be available at the theatre desk to help know what’s going on. But non of that is important if you give it a go and enjoy the wounderful music and the singing.

National Heritage Open Days 2024

National Heritage Open Days is an annual event, when venues of  interest are opened, all over the Country, in September, free of charge. Some are only open for this event.  If you would like to see if there is anything that interests you locally (see AFF visit currently advertised) Google in National Heritage Open Days 2024 Merseyside. Some start their events as early as 6.9.24.