Flicks and Friends 02.07.24

This month’s Flicks and Friends movie is ‘The Gift’.. The film was released in 2015 and is the story of a married couple, Simon and Robyn, who run into Gordo, an old classmate. Things take a turn when Gordo begins to drop in unannounced at their house and inundates them with mysterious gifts.

As always admission is free to all 60+ year olds but Age Concern are always appreciative of any donations on the day.

Click on the poster for more information.

Carr Mill Dam 27/06/2024

Thirteen Stramblers met at Sankey Valley Visitor Centre for today’s walk.
We set off through the wooded Sankey Valley Park alongside what remains of the Sankey (St Helens) Canal. The path then meandered along Black Brook Basin, following the brook. The weather was warm and cloudy with just enough breeze Continue reading

Cyber Safety Talk 09.07.24

In this day and age, it’s almost impossible to have a life that doesn’t include the internet. This means there’s a whole world of scams and deceptions waiting to catch us out.  Thieves target people constantly with romance scams, banking scams, cat-fishing, delivery scams and more!

So, we have arranged for an expert in how to spot a scam and how to make our online world as safe as possible, to come and talk to us and he’ll be with us on the 9th July at 11:00 in the Church Sanctuary.

Dave Carlos was the Editor of a Computer Magazine in the 1980’s and has 40 years’ experience with machines of this kind. In his retirement he is currently a Cyber Volunteer for Lancashire Police

In this presentation Dave will cover the basics of Online Awareness and what changes you need to make to be more secure online.
Whether it’s Passwords, Cookies, Ransomware or social media, Dave will be happy to take your questions too.

We hope you will be able to attend this meeting, it could save you a lot of hassle one day.

Sunday Strollers Port Sunlight 23/06/2024

Seventeen strollers met at Port Sunlight Station for today’s walk where Brian and Brenda gave out information leaflets with a map of the village. Starting opposite the “Tudor Rooms” Tea Room, which was originally the Village Post Office and General Store, we walked along Greendale Road (didn’t see Postman Pat) past the Gladstone Theatre to face the Lever Brothers Factory. Originally based Continue reading

Theatre Group

New Shows

Sister Act at the Empire Theatre on Wednesday 2nd October at 2.00 pm
Tickets £43.50

‘Play On’. At the Playhouse Theatre. A retelling of Shakespeare’s 12th Night. A musical set in the jazz scene of New York’s Cotton Club.
Saturday 19th October at 2.00 pm. Tickets £36.00.

An Inspector Calls at the Empire Theatre, Saturday 23rd November at 2.30 pm.
Tickets approximately £38.00 (to be confirmed)

The Rocky Horror Show at the Playhouse Theatre, Saturday 14th December at 5.30pm
Tickets £37.50