Today we will be visiting the lovely town of Buxton, a town whose history is shaped by water . Specifically we are visiting the Buxton Crescent Heritage Experience which reveals the story of a special spa town and the renowned water set in the recent multi million pound restoration of the Grade 1 Georgian Crescent. For hundreds of years visitors have travelled here to drink and bathe in the mineral waters. We will have a guided tour, take a virtual reality hot air balloon flight over Buxton, and rub shoulders with the Regency high society at a glamorous ball before having our ailments cured by the l8thC Apothecary. Follow the rain water journey from the Peak District Hills and find out why it emerges warm from the springs beneath the Crescent. Even a souvenir bottle to take home with you. We will also visit the Pump Room. Plenty of coffee shops etc in the area and we are very close to the lovely Pavilion Gardens. Then we are off to Hayfield, a lovely village, where we can visit their wonderful Well Dressings. Widely regarded as the best
together with Tissington. This is a custom only to be found in Derbyshire and some of the Staffordshire Border. Pictures are made by local people from flower petals, sticks, stones etc. which are then pressed into damp clay. The origins are lost in the mists of time but are thought to stem from the plague and the need to protect the water.
WHEN? Monday lst July 2024. Dep.8.30am Ret.6pm. Price: £27 inc.the Buxton Crescent Heritage Experience. Seats will be on sale at our table on Tuesday 14th May 2024.
Hi Marj,
Carol and I are unable to go on the trip to Buxton tomorrow, we have just returned from holiday today after our original flight home was cancelled.
Yes please Marj, Rhona.x
Please would you add Kathleen O’Gorman to the Buxton trip Marje, she hopes to see you Tuesday
thank you
Hi Marje
Please could you put myself and Pat Johnson on the July Buxton trip
thanks ever so
Hi Marj, can you please book places for Carol and I on the Buxton trip Ist July.
Thanks Barry
Hi Marj, can you please book places for Carol and I on the Buxton trip Ist July.
Thanks Barry Parker
Hi Marj. Can you add me, and Judith Jones to the Buxton trip on 1st July. Will pay tomorrow. Many thanks. Viv Edwards
Hi Viv have booked you both on. Cheers Marj
Hi Marj, Could please reserve a place for Derek Roberts. Thanks Ann
Hi Ann have booked Derek on the lst July trip. Cheers Marj
Hi Marje, I would like to book a place on the Buxton trip.1st July, thanks, Joan Darwent’
Hi Joan. Have booked you on lst July trip. Cheers Marj
Can you please reserve 2/places one for myself and Sandra Ellis. For the 1st the 1st July. Thank you
Hi thank you. Have done. Cheers
Can you please reserve 2/places one for myself and Sandra Ellis. Thank you.
Hello Marj,
Could you reserve a place for me on the trip the silk mill on the 1st of July, thanks,
Hi have done. Thank you. Cheers Marj