Just a reminder, although I’m sure you have date underlined in your diaries, next Tuesday is our Annual General Meeting. Doors open at 09:30 for registration with our meeting starting at 10:00.
Please do try and come – we need you.
Monthly Archives: May 2024
Stramblers 2: Mere Sands and Rufford Walk – 16 May 2024

This gallery contains 14 photos.
Peter Eykelenboom wrote: As a result of holidays, family commitments and injuries, the group was reduced to 5 participants. Nevertheless, it was a pleasant sunny morning as we set off from the Mere Sands Wood visitor centre. Initially following a … Continue reading
Haigh Woodland Park 23/05/2024
The weather forecast had put some Stramblers off, but eight hardy souls met at Haigh Woodland Park for today’s walk. Bob had shortened it to avoid the more waterlogged sections and we set off in fine drizzle. The early part followed Continue reading
Paint a Pot @ Eden Galleries, September 7th
Digital cameras – Something you want
Please come along, you will be very welcome .
Tech and science – June
Our next presentations will be:
June 12th – Let there be light
Light in medical diagnostics
June 26th – 3 industrial disasters
Abbeystead, Bhopal and Flixborough
We will then break for the summer and return on September 11th
If you have a topic for us to present, or better still, to do yourself then please let us know. We are currently looking at chocolate, more industrial disasters, more Liverpool ‘firsts’ and some chemistry.
Have a great summer recess – Colin and Phil
Its a Tidy Exhibition August 7th
Art Appreciation – Atkinson Gallery, Southport. Bill Tidy, MBE
We are to be given a talk / tour of this local lads wonderful, comic art work spanning many years.
August 7th at 1.pm. £ 3 donations
Meet at venue, nice cafe on site. Please book at desk with Maureen or Jan.
Sefton, Princes & St James Parks 19/05/2024
Seventeen strollers (and dog, Keith) met at St Michaels Station on a beautiful sunny day. We made our way along Southwood Road and Dalmeny Street to Aigburth Road. After crossing the road, we joined the popular, bohemian styled Lark Lane. Although still not 11 in the morning, the cafés, bars and bistros were well supported with most pavement tables occupied. Some even had queues outside. An old Continue reading
Visit to Bridgnorth Thursday 20th June
Arrangements have been agreed for the above visit
We will travel by luxury coach from Maghull Square
We will visit the Bridgnorth Castle Hill Railway and take a return trip from the low town to the high town
We will then visit the Ironbridge , the Toll House and the Ironbridge Gorge Museum
We will then go onto Blists Hill Victorian Town for the afternoon
Cost is £42 per member.
Please see George or Jeff at the Architecture for Fun desk o book a place and pay the necessary fee or text George on 07826 048379 to book a place
Wine Tour to North Wales Tuesday 24th September 2024
See previous posts for details
Visit Wine Tasting desk for flyer and booking form or text Georg4e on 07826 048379