Cribbage Group Update

Cribbage Group Update

Under the leadership of Neil Hawkes our new Cribbage Group has a venue and time sorted. 
We will be based (for a while at least) at Kensington House, Station Road, Maghull.  We will meet each Thursday morning 10:00 – 12:00. Cost will be £2.00 per session. Our starting date will be 11th April.
All who have expressed an interest are asked to confirm their interest by listing their name and number on the notice board in the coffee room, online or by contacting Neil on 07369 212101



13 thoughts on “Cribbage Group Update

  1. Whether you have played before or would like to try, everyone is welcome.
    We will be happy to provide 1 on 1 lessons for people new to the game.

  2. what time are you thinking of on Thursdays? I can join if it is later on in the afternoon?
    I know the basics of crib but haven’t played for a long time !

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