Lost Keys

Thankfully . a member contacted me by telephone this morning advising me that she had found a set of keys in her bag recently

She requested as to what was included and when I gave he a description , car fob , house keys and several tags , she confirmed that the keys she had matched the description

This has eased our minds as the precautions that we have had to take whilst on holiday for 5 days and then 10 days have been somewhat onerous

Thankfully Maureen and I can rest easy now that we can get back to living normally whilst out and about and not worrying about my car being taken away whilst we are asleep

Thanks again to the member for eventually finding the keys in her possession and informing us

Tuesday Notices 17.10.23

🌟 A pair of dark rimmed glasses were found next to a BMW car on the Cricket Parking Ground on Tue morning.  No one at the u3a claimed them so they have now been placed in the Church lost Property box.

🌟 The Gardening group are asking everyone going on their Christmas Lunch outing to collect and return the menu sheets from their table as soon as possible.

🌟 History for Fun – Kensington House October 20th at 14:30 David Ward will be giving a talk about Napoleon.

🌟 Theatre Group – All those who have booked tickets for the Royal Exchange’s production of Brief Encounter are asked to pay for the tickets as soon as possible.

🌟 Architecture for Fun -A new trip has been organised for the 30th of November.  This will be a Peaky Blinders tour of the film locations used during the series.  details of the tour will be available at the AFF desk.  Cost will be £35.00

Murder Mystery Walk 15/10/23

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Ten strollers took the train from Maghull to Chester (with new trains on both legs!) for a Murder Mystery Walk. Once in Chester we made our way to the ruins of the Church of St John the Baptist – the former Cathedral of Chester dating back to Roman times. Here, we were informed that a body had been found with foul play suspected! We were Continue reading