Tuesday Notices 17.10.23

🌟 A pair of dark rimmed glasses were found next to a BMW car on the Cricket Parking Ground on Tue morning.  No one at the u3a claimed them so they have now been placed in the Church lost Property box.

🌟 The Gardening group are asking everyone going on their Christmas Lunch outing to collect and return the menu sheets from their table as soon as possible.

🌟 History for Fun – Kensington House October 20th at 14:30 David Ward will be giving a talk about Napoleon.

🌟 Theatre Group – All those who have booked tickets for the Royal Exchange’s production of Brief Encounter are asked to pay for the tickets as soon as possible.

🌟 Architecture for Fun -A new trip has been organised for the 30th of November.  This will be a Peaky Blinders tour of the film locations used during the series.  details of the tour will be available at the AFF desk.  Cost will be £35.00