New Day Trip

To-day we are off to Wales, to be more precise Snowdonia, with its’ wonderful scenery. We will start our day with a visit to the Llanberis Slate Museum, where we will  have a demonstration of Slate splitting, there is also a Museum, Quarrymens’ cottages to visit, which have been moved brick by brick from their original place and rebuilt on site.  There is also a short film show, 2 Cafes, souvenir shops and craft outlets. Welsh Slate is much admired and has been exported all over the world.  Many roofs boast of it.   For lunch you can visit either the 2 on site Cafes or go into Llanberis where there is plenty of choice. After lunch we will travel on the narrow gauge steam railway on a journey which takes about an hour. Travelling round the edge of Lake Padarn, which traffic can’t access, we will see the amazing Snowdonian views which should by then be in all its Autumnal Glory.

WHEN??  Wednesday  25th October 2023.  Depart 8.30am Ret.6pm. Price £26 includes train journey. Seats will be on sale at our table on Tuesday 8th August 2023.

Great New Group Opportunity

New Group –  Indoor Curling

No doubt you’ve all watched (if only a bit) the game of Curling at the Winter Olympics and been fascinated by the furious brushing of the ice by the team members as they try to ensure their stone gets closest to the ‘jack’.

Well, we can’t offer you an ice rink (so no brushing needed) but we can offer you a chance to play Indoor Curling at an u3a near you!! Continue reading