Tuesday Notices 20.06.23

🌟Theatre Group.                                                 Macbeth at Shakespeare North – 21st September 2023 19:30 £34.50 plus transport

42nd Street at the Empire – 7th September 2023 19:30 £33.00

🌟 Philosophy – 21st June 14:30 at Kensington House. All are welcome. Just come along and listen or join in if you wish.

🌟Beginners’ Spanish class – if you are interested in joining this new group please put your name and contact details on the Spanish notice at the Coffee Morning.

🌟Strambers2 class – if you are interested in joining this new group please put your name and contact details on the Stramblers’ notice at the Coffee Morning.

🌟Our new Book Club group now has a waiting list. If you are interested please speak to Sue Quinn about putting your name on the list.