Arch for Fun and Wine Tasting as at 03/05/2023

Current places available as follows

Wine Tasting    23/5/2023    – 4 places available

Victoria Baths (see post)    08/09 4 places available , please see George if you have not chosen sandwich for lunch

Kent Wine Tour    01 -05/10/2023    – 2 places  available

Please see George or John at Architecture for Fun / Wine Tasting desk

Tuesday Notices 02.05.23

Family History Group

Due to polling this group will not be able to meet on the 4th May, so the next meeting will be on the 11th May at 2:00 pm at Lydiate Village Centre. Our speaker will be Kate Hurst who has been to our group on a previous occasion and whose talk then met with great enthusiasm by the group.

On the 11th her talk is entitled ‘Gamekeepers and Innkeepers’ and is a story of the gamekeepers and innkeepers in Kate’s family, who travelled from Suffolk to Nottinghamshire (via Essex, Yorkshire, North Wales and Lincolnshire) between 1800 and 1930.  Her talk will consist anecdotes of not only how her ancestors lived but how their employers lived as well. It promises to be an informative tale of ‘how the other half lived’ and more.