Philosophy in May

This month we will look in a little more depth into Simone Weill, the 20th century French philosopher.  We also hope to start a relook at Plato, in particular his REPUBLIC and how this may or may not relate 
to present day society.
Remember philosophy is just what you  do when you sit and think about things. No expertise needed. All welcome.
Wednesday 17th May  2pm. at Kensington House
Contact  Tony Snape  0151 526 3146

Rock and Roll

Last months  THE HISTORY OF ROCK & ROLL with DAVY EDGE was a great success with a full (Kensington) house.  He sang 10 songs starting with Elvis and finishing with Bob Dylan  plus some of his own poetry and a good time was had by all.

This months  19 May talk will be THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE  presented by John Blundell b.s.c (pharm)   No doubt it will be an interesting subject  with the usual questions afterwards.

One Week to our AGM!

The highlight of our year is almost upon us – better book your taxis for the big day now!!

Doors open at 09:30 with the AGM starting at 10;00. Registration will be held in the foyer and you will need to bring your current membership card with you.

We are looking forward to seeing you


Theatre Group

A ticket has become available for Dirty Dancing on Thursday 15th June at the Empire Theatre.
If you are interested, please come to the theatre desk on Tuesday morning.
The price of the ticket is £39.00


The performance of Allo Allo at the Brindley Theatre has been cancelled by the theatre. If you have paid by cheque, please come to the Theatre Desk and your cheque will be returned to you.

Victoria Baths and Gorton Monastery 8th June 2023

Arrangements have been agreed to visit the above 2 venues , VICTORIA BATHS , we have visited the baths several years ago when it was in a real state of disrepair , since then there has been a multi million pound refurbishment and it will be interesting to view the vast change.  Included lunch at the baths consisting of freshly baked brown , white or gluten free bread rolls with a choice of 12 fillings , a bag of crisps and tea/coffee. We will then visit GORTON MONASTERY where we will have a guided tour and then members will have time to look around individually

Cost is £37 , please see George or John to book and pay for a place and choose your sandwich or text George on 07826 048379 to book a place Certain members booked a place for this trip when we were on the coach to Shakespeare North , please see George or John to pay  and choose your sandwich


M+S and the Arium

Didn’t we have a lovely day the day we went to Leeds last Wednesday?

35 of us first headed to Marks and Spencer Archives in the grounds of Leeds University, where we all enjoyed a cuppa and heard about how Mr. Michael Marks met Mr. Tom Spencer who, together, started their penny bazaar and the rest is history.

After lunch in the city we made our way to the ‘Arium’, an amazing plant nursery, one of the largest in the country, and operated by Leeds city council.

We started off with an interesting guided tour of the greenhouses and were then escorted to the restauraant where we were treated to a sumptuous never ending afternoon tea, then groaning with over indulgence and complete with doggy bags we headed for home.


Ramblers blow the cobwebs away

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7 of the ramblers took a very windswept hike yesterday from Abbey Village to Darwen Tower, a climb of 1100 feet and just under 9 miles distance. Starting from the Hare and Hounds pub ( always good to begin ( and end) at a pub) we walked across a very well made path to Rake Brook, the first of the three reservoirs in the area. Pausing to watch the antics of a spaniel, who clearly covered at least 50% more ground than its human companion, we descended into woodland which forms part of the Witton Weavers Way, a long distance route we have walked many times in the past. Continue reading

Flicks and Friends – Advance Notice

On Tuesday 16th of May Age Concern will be presenting ‘The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry’ as their Flicks and Friends Film of the month.  Please click on the image to get more information.