Victoria Baths and Gorton Monastery 8th June 2023

Arrangements have been agreed to visit the above 2 venues , VICTORIA BATHS , we have visited the baths several years ago when it was in a real state of disrepair , since then there has been a multi million pound refurbishment and it will be interesting to view the vast change.  Included lunch at the baths consisting of freshly baked brown , white or gluten free bread rolls with a choice of 12 fillings , a bag of crisps and tea/coffee. We will then visit GORTON MONASTERY where we will have a guided tour and then members will have time to look around individually

Cost is £37 , please see George or John to book and pay for a place and choose your sandwich or text George on 07826 048379 to book a place Certain members booked a place for this trip when we were on the coach to Shakespeare North , please see George or John to pay  and choose your sandwich


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