Tuesday Notices 4th April 2023

Join Flicks and Friends on the 18th of April at the Plaza Cinema, Waterloo for a showing of ‘the Book Shop’.  Doors open at 12:15 with the film commencing at 13:00.                 Click on the poster for more details

Members who have bought tickets for the performance of The Commitments at the Empire Theatre are asked to collect their tickets from the Theatre Desk.  Full payment is now due for Dirty Dancing tickets.

The coach for the Dorothy Clive Garden trip will be leaving the Square at 09:00 tomorrow, members are asked to assemble at 08:45.

History for Fun will be holding a talk on ‘Rock and Roll’ at Kensington House on the 21st of April at 14:30.  There will be live music supporting the talk.

Tunnels and Birkenhead Priory tour

On Thursday 11th May the Architecture for Fun group will tour the Williamson Tunnels followed by lunch at The Start Yard Cafe in Birkenhead and then visit  Birkenhead Priory in the afternoon.

  • Cost per member is £35. Leaving Maghull at 9.15 “ONLY 5 PLACE LEFT”

Please visit the A4F desk to book a place and pay the required fee.

I have been requested by Lynn from Williamson Tunnels to advise members as follows

ALL VISITORS MUST HAVE FULL MOBILITY , WE HAVE QUITE A FEW STAIRS AND GOOD WALKING SHOES ARE REQUIRED ,if any member who has booked or wants to book must take note of these requirements. Please advise George if you have booked but cannot comply and your name will be taken of the trip list.

Cambridge came up trumps

The Art Appreciation trip to Cambridge was a triptych of art styles from stained-glass in Ely Cathedral to a wonderful private art collection of the most diverse items ever under one roof (Kettle Yard), with a pinch of nostalgia in between at David Parr House.

The hotel was excellent, Don Fraser coach driver a star and we all seemed to get something from our visit, even the none artistic, who just came along for the ride.

Some brave souls took a punt on a Punt on the River Cam. They might as well have taken a dip in the river as it was so wet, but in true British Bulldog spirit they sang along the way, much to the amusement of the poor drenched  student punters.

One of our group was revisiting her childhood home and told us about her wonderful memories.

We are all looking forward to ‘Our Next Big Adventure’ hopefully in drier weather.

Take care all – Maureen