Appley Bridge to Burscough

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Fifteen stramblers met at Burscough Bridge Station and caught the train to Appley Bridge last Thursday (27th). We made our way to the canal bank and took the towpath back towards Burscough. This was the anniversary of the original Canal Walking Group reaching Leeds in 2018, with ten of that group present today. We passed Appley Lock and Continue reading

Pottery painting display

We are showing our wonderful Art Appreciation Pottery Painting
at the weekly coffee morning on Tuesday 2nd May.

I’m sure you will all be as impressed as last time by the talent we have in our Art Appreciation Group. I am so please with all the group efforts, watch this space for pictures when available.  We all look forward to seeing you there – Maureen

T& S does SP

12 members of the Technology and Science group visited the Scottish Power control centre in Prenton last Wednesday.  We were given a most excellent presentation by Jon and Sue that covered  topics including the generation, power distribution networks, outages and call centre activity.

We were then shown around the ‘control room’ and given a close display of the Maghull area network by Kevin, who fielded all our questions.

We finished with Sue and a Q+A session regarding outages and their effects.

Thanks to all the staff and to Bill for organising the day.

We hope to visit a local factory in Knowsley in early June so watch this space.