Gladstone pottery reminder £30.00

Visiting the ‘great pottery throw down‘ venue, the Gladstone Pottery in Stoke on Trent.  Can’t promise to meet the latest  talented potters or their work but we are assured of a good visit.

DATE     Wednesday 12th July
Coach:   9.30 am from Maghull Square
Cost:      Coach and entry £30.

N.B Those who have already payed by cheque, note the change in cost .

Booking being taken at desk now, with Maureen or Jan, full payment  is required by cheque to  Maghull and Lydiate u3a.
N.B. The café on site has offered us a lovely Buffet menu.

Menu available at desk. Please indicate if you want Buffett when booking at desk. N.B Payment on separate check please for food, which is not required until nearer the date.

Any ‘quizzers’ out there?

Liverpool u3a are running a quiz and are looking for attendees.  Are you interested?

I am, David Coss, the chairman of the Liverpool U3A.

I am writing to you regarding the Network Fun Quiz which we are holding in the Adelphi Hotel on Wednesday, 24th May at 1:30pm. We are charging only £4 admission and this covers the tea and coffee refreshments, the prize money for the winning table and the hire of the room.

It is going to be run along the lines of our previous Network Quizzes which were held before Covid struck. They proved to be very enjoyable afternoons and gave all the members of the neighbouring U3As the chance to meet, chat and get to know what great ideas might be knocking about which one U3A is using to their benefit, while others haven’t even known about – a benefit to all U3As and, in the end, to the organisation as a whole.

Will you please pass this information on to your members and ask, those of them who are interested in attending the quiz, to either phone Marion Carson on 0151 427 0175 or email her at by the 10th May, as she has to give the hotel a fortnights notice so they can ensure that everyone present will be comfortably seated and, of course, there will be enough refreshments to go round.

Thanking you in advance – David.