Exquisite bags of Easter Delights

The Card making class have just made these delightful bags and boxes which they filled with delicious mini Easter Eggs. Not only did the making of the little boxes bring pleasure but we’re certain the contents will give much joy to the inhabitants of Damfield Nursing Home when they receive their gifts tomorrow.

Well done to the Card Making group for their hard work and kind gesture.

Renewals Update

Our renewals programme is going well with over half of our members already having renewed.  We are hoping that all members will have renewed by the 31st of March as their current membership will no longer be valid from that date and they will not have the protection of the Third Age insurance policy.

I’d like to thank all the members who have given their time to helping out with renewals during the past few weeks, without you we could not have done so well. From the table setters, the scribes, the counters, the Treasury team and the tea ladies, who kept us supplied with coffee in an initially cold Sanctuary, to you the members who came and showed us your commitment to our u3a;  together we made a great team.

Jane Jones