A4F Ludlow in March

Arrangements are in hand to visit Ludlow on 23rd March

Leaving Maghull Square , travel by luxury coach , Guided tour of Ludlow Castle , special lunch in the Castle cafe , time to visit the market in the town (and other areas if members so wish)

Cost depends on numbers booking (ie. coach costs)

Call or text George on 07826 048379 to book a place or call into “Tuesday coffee morning”



New Day Trip

Our first visit of the day is to the Marks and Spencer Archive Museum at Leeds University. Here we will have a talk about M and S and a cup of  tea/coffee. M and S has played a part in our lives for over 135 years and we will explore the development and impact they have had on the social history of Gt.Britain ranging from Staff Welfare to Puddings and Pants.  There are unique artefacts , basic historic garments etc. and will track the journey from Market Stall to International Retailer.  Time to explore the exhibition.  Time to get some lunch then we are off to The Arium. This is a fascinating place that provides everything the City of Leeds needs in their floral displays in public places and lots more. It is the largest  Local Authority Nursery in the country growing over 3 million plants a year.  We will have a guided tour, there is a well stocked shop and to finish a delicious afternoon tea. 

WHEN? Wednesday 26th April 2023. Dep.8.30am Ret.6pm. Price: £32 inc.morning coffee/tea/afternoon tea and guided tours/talk.  Seats will be on sale at our Coffee Morning table on Tuesday 3lst January. Venue size restricts us to 35 seats only.

History for Fun

The History for Fun group will be holding its first meeting of the year on the 17th of February at its usual Kensington House venue starting at 14:30.

Next month’s speaker will be Charles Southern who will give us insight into the way policing has changed since his early days in the force.  Entrance fee will be £2.00

Tuesday Morning Notices – 24.01.23

Theatre News

One ticket has become available for ‘Mother Goose’ at the Empire on Wednesday March 1st for the 14:30 matinee. Please contact the Theatre Group by email (see the Group listing) or at the desk next Tuesday.

Tickets are also still available for the Matthew Bourne production of ‘Sleeping Beauty’ at the Empire on the 11t of March starting at 14:30.

Dunham Massey and Fryers Nursery

A proposed trip to Dunham Massey NT,  Cheshire for Wednesday 15th March 2023. This should be an interesting outing. We will visit Fryers Nursery, Cheshire first, then on to Dunham Massey N/T where we will be able to look around the house and gardens. As soon as I know the cost of the trip I will let you know. We are taking names for the trip, so come and call at the garden table on Tuesday for further details or on this site.