Tuesday Notices – 06.12.22

Christmas Sale

A big thank you to Barbara and Irene who once again made our Coffee Room a place of Christmas delight.  Last week Irene showed us her skill in making Christmas table decorations and wreaths and this week it was Barbara’s term to show off her mini knitted wreaths.  the money raised from these two sales amounted to £115.00, which the ladies donated to our Woodlands Appeal


Many many thanks to you both for brightening up our morning and providing such an incredible donation.

Square Dancing Group

Jane Murphy, the group leader of our Square Dancing Group wishes to thank all who came and danced along side her and all the u3a who helped to get this group up and running.  Sadly this group will not be re-starting after our Christmas break and I’m sure we would all like to thank Jane for the enthusiasm and energy that she brought to the group.

Digital cameras

December 12th meeting cancelled. Meet again Jan 9th

Line dance party

30 members of the line dancing group met at St. Andrews parish hall this afternoon for their Christmas party. Great music was accompanied by some skillfull moves on the dance floor before settling down for a tasty hotpot supper and sweet.

Thanks to Hilary and the caterers for a great afternoon. See you all in the New Year.

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Christmas Ramble

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19 ramblers had the final walk of the year today. Joining the Leeds Liverpool canal at Old Roan we walked along the towpath in the direction of Bootle. Although cold, the weather was dry and as the rain of the recent days had deceased, our walk was relatively mud free. Having stopped off at Tesco Litherland for a quick coffee we continued on to Bootle where we left the canal. It was then a short step up to L20 restaurant, the catering school for Hugh Baird college, where we enjoyed a wonderful Christmas lunch, catered and served by the 3rd year students. Replete, we walked back through the park and on to the station for a quick train ride home. Thanks to everyone who has recced and led the walks this year. Our new programme will commence on 5th January 2023.Happy Christmas everyone.