Preston Trip 31/10/22

As there is only a short time available to complete the administration for the trip

Can I request those members that have booked for the above to either (a) Call in to the coffee morning on October 18th and pay the required amount for the trip (£30) or (b) forward a cheque for the amount to me at 2 Manion Close , Lydiate , Liverpool L31 4AD.

There is a waiting list for this trip and if payment is not received as above I will have to consider resorting to the “waiting list” to achieve the required numbers

We hope to have lunch at The Ribble Pilot Pub and I require members to contact me by a visit to the coffee morning on 18/10 or telephone me on 07826 048379 / 0151 287 0308 to choose from 4 sandwiches.


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