Haskayne Circular 15 May

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On a fine, sunny morning, a large group of twenty seven walkers met at the Ship Inn in Haskayne. There was a choice of walks on offer. A short one along the canal and back to the pub, and a longer one with the option of an added loop. While the “short” walkers set off along the canal towpath, the rest of us made our way along Rosemary Lane and across the main Southport road into School Lane.

Here, a footpath took us around the perimeter of a housing estate and eventually up into an open field. We followed the path through several fields and came to Station Road. After a hundred yards on the road we turned left on to another footpath past some houses. This one took us through fields of chest high crops and over a wooden footbridge to Plex Moss Lane. Again, we only stayed on the road for a hundred yards or so before taking a footpath sandwiched between the houses. The path through fields with gambolling hares, led us to Carr Moss Lane. This in turn took us to the main Southport road at New Street where we passed St Cuthbert’s School, the War Memorial and St Cuthbert’s Church. We then continued along Summerwood Lane for half a mile until we came to the Leeds Liverpool Canal. This was the site of the first digging of the canal in 1770. A statue “The Halsall Navvy” commemorates the event here and we stopped for a drinks break and a rest. The group then split with some taking the canal towpath back towards the Ship Inn. The rest carried on along Summerwood Lane to Narrow Lane and then through fields back to the canal, where a stone bridge took us across to the towpath. A mile on the towpath brought us back to the Ship Inn. A number of colourful canal boats passed us with the occupants giving cheery waves. The three groups joined up at the pub for well earned drinks, with some staying for lunch. A most enjoyable walk in great weather, taking in some paths I didn’t know existed – but then I’ve only lived in the area for 39 years!

Thanks Brenda for organising and leading us. See you all next week.

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