Red Kite and Elan Valley Tour


On Wednesday 18th May we are arranging a visit to Elan Valley Ranger Station at Rhayader, Powys,  where a ranger will join us on the coach for a 2 hour tour of the hidden secrets of the  area  including  a tour inside the Pen y Garreg Dam (Refreshments will be available at the Station at members own cost)We will then continue to Gigrin Farm , the “Red Kite Feeding Centre” where we will set up in a “hide” and watch the feeding of Red Kites (I believe 100’s of them).Due to the distance we will need an early departure from Maghull Square at 7.45am

The cost  £35, this will decrease if 40 members book the tour  ONLY 7 PLACES LEFT

See George or John at Architecture for Fun desk or text George on 07826 048379 to reserve a place (if reserved prompt payment is required)


Taiji/Flex – Exercises for all

The Taiji/Flex class will restart on Friday Feb. 25th at
Maghull Parish Hall from 12.30 – 1.30

Relax and unwind with a gentle practice of stretching aimed at building strength and flexibility. Enjoy the benefits of working with the breath to help slow down the central nervous system and quiet the mind. Feel a lighter, more relaxed version of you!

If you have an exercise mat then please bring it.

The cost will be £2 per session. Contact Ann on 07792493743

New Day Trip

A new day trip has been arranged with visits to Wakefield including a guided tour of the Cathedral and then to the National Trust property Nostell Priory. A splendid interesting Palladian property. Departing Fri.22nd April 2022 at 8.30am  Ret.6pm.  For full details click on Day Trips.

Lake Garda Wine Tour 6/10 – 12/10/22

Can members who are interested in joining the tour please complete the “booking form” and return to George at the Wine Tasting Desk together with a “deposit cheque for £300 per person”

George will retain booking forms and cheques until sufficient numbers of booking forms and cheques has been received to enable tour to go ahead

This is necessary to enable the tour operator to “book flights”

Altcar visit 18/2/22

All members attending to note

I have just had advice from the Catering Manager (1.15pm) that the kitchen where they were to prepare the food as chosen by all members (it probably took me several hours to organise choices , collate them , send them to Altcar and discuss the issue) is not available

They have offered a “cold buffet” with various choices which I have accepted.

This may be a better option as I was concerned that each choice made by members would have had to be prepared individually and with 34 attending it would have resulted in many members waiting a long time for there food.

I have been advised that I will be receiving a “drinks menu” and if received I will make a number of  photocopies to hand to members.

The weather does not look good for Friday and I would advise members to prepare for poor weather by donning “waterproof clothing” and “sturdy footwear”


Edo Pop Lady Lever. Wednesday May 4th

Kunichika: Japanese Prints

Lady Lever Art Gallery

This stunning new exhibition of prints by Toyohara Kunichika (1843-1900) is an exciting follow up of the gallery’s 2017 popular exhibition Edo-Pop.

 I can’t believe it was that long ago that we enjoyed the first showing of this brilliant art form.

Looking to book for May 4th  2022 . lovely cafe on site

Donations welcome at desk Tuesdays for free events

Book at desk Tuesdays

P.S if you can not attend after booking, please let myself or Jan Martin know as it saves holding up others .