THURSDAY 13th. JANAURY 2022 – Updated 10/01/22
We have been given permission by Bill’s family to send out the following details.
Due to the surge in Corona virus, the funeral has been limited by the Church to 80 people, so it is with regret that attendance at the service will be by invitation only.
However, the service will be livestreamed on Zoom:

Time: 11:45am

The cortege will be leaving the car park at MBC at 10:40 on Thursday 13th January for a private family burial at St Michael’s in Aughton. Anyone unable to attend the service is welcome to pay their respects by seeing the Cortege leave the Church.
The family will return for a thanksgiving service at 11:45 am led by the Rev Phil Jump.
After the service there will be light refreshments served at Ormskirk Cricket club.
Those attending will be asked to wear a face mask whilst in the Church, use hand sanitizer and keep socially distanced rules. Ideally, where possible, people should do a lateral flow test before they attend.
Thanks on behalf of the Howarth Family.


Please could those who plan to pay their respects when the Cortege leaves the church on Thursday, park at the Town Hall or in the Cricket Club.

The church car park will be reserved for family and those attending the Thanksgiving Service, along with anyone who has mobility difficulties.
Thank you for your consideration.

Sunday walkers – 02/01/22

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15 of us went on a mystery walk this morning. Due to conditions the route had to be changed more than once. We ended up doing 4 miles from the station, along canal to Bells Lane and back. We were very lucky with the weather as it rained heavily about 30 minutes after we finished. We agreed we would all take a lateral flow test before walks in the future for the time being.

Great to be back – happy New Year to all who were unable to join us


This wonderful stained glass piece, Virgin and Child, is by British stained glass artist Margaret Traherne.  1919 – 2006

Influenced by the French expressionism, it makes for a dramatic composition.

We  were  fortunate to visit Ely Cathedral last year and loved the wonderful diverse stained glass museum. Not all religious works as seen below.

The Sower by William Morris.

We hope to do a visit to Ely later  this year if allowed and safe of course.It is well worth a visit.. Take care and have a safe 2022

Maureen x



Visit to Altcar Training Camp 18th February 2022


We had confirmation of our visit  a visit to Altcar Training Camp -North Western Reserve Forces & Cadets from the Commandant on 31/01/22

This will be on Friday 18th February , Coach leaving time 9.20am at Maghull Square , expected back approx. 3.30/4.00pm

The cost includes coach from Maghull Square and return , lunch at the Red Rose Club on site (see menu , members to choose requirements by NUMBER and advise George so that Red Rose Club can be pre advised) and a donation to the Injured Soldiers Charity

Cost £26.00 per member

Members are to note the following as advised by Altcar CEO , wear clothing to protect against the weather , wear stout  footwear to protect against the weather ,  members attending will be split into 3 seperate groups (1 member is to act as leader for each group) for ease of access

Members have to note that  Altcar have requested that  a Lateral Flow Test has had to be taken on the morning of the event and that a face covering be worn everywhere except when dining

Can all members who are not joining us at Maghull Square please notify George Birchall

Please telephone George on 0151 287 0308 or 07826 048379 if there are any questions or concerns