AFF Nantwich 24th March 2022

We are proposing a visit to Nantwich on 24th March leaving Maghull 8.15 to visit the Market (10.00-11.30) , members can have a snack/lunch locally (11.30-12.30) ,

Then to  Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker (12.45-14.00) inclusive of a Curators Tour lasting 1 hour

Then to St Marys Church (14.30-15.30) Return to .Maghull 17.00-17       All times are approximate

Cost £30.00 per member

Trip Full

Can all members who have booked please visit the Architecture for Fun desk and pay the required fee or send a cheque to George Birchall at 2 Manion Close , Lydiate , Liverpool L31 4AD

AFF -Back to backs AND Roundhouse Birmingham

We are  to arrange a trip to the above on 14/04/22 leaving at 8.00am , arrive at square 7.45am

Coach from Maghull Square to Birmingham , entry to Roundhouse Birmingham (tours at 10.30 -12.00 ,11.00 – 12.30 and 11.30 – 1.00pm)

Refreshments (at members cost) available in Distillery Pub (alongside Roundhouse)

Back to Back Houses Birmingham in the afternoon

Return to Maghull Square

Cost £23.00 for National Trust members / £32.00 for non members

FULL , reserve list being compiled

See George or John at Architecture for Fun desk with full payment