Sunday walkers – 05th December

Hope you enjoyed the walk today, nearly 5 miles from Aughton station. We strolled along Long Lane, Blackmoss Lane , New Lane then over to Catherine’s Lane into Croppers Lane. At Poppy’s Lane we turned right through the farm down to Graveyard Lane. We stopped and saw the Friends Burial Ground (Quakers -1665) then walked through Graveyard farm following the footpath over a small bridge up to the Moor Hall estate. Then left onto Prescot Road, right at the next footpath which brought us back to Town Green station. Hope to see you all soon- Brian

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NOTICES – 30/11/21

The next Flicks & Friends film ‘House of Gucci‘ is on Tuesday 7th December starts
at 1:00pm at the Plaza cinema, Crosby. More details are on the website
This is specifically for the over 60’s in South Sefton area.
The Painting for Pleasure group are looking for new members please contact
Maureen Ashkar for more details which are in the Year Book or website.
Lucien Freud Exhibition. Meet at Tate Liverpool – 1pm prompt, Friday 3rd December.
Chicago at the Empire Theatre – Wed. 9th February 2022 @ 2:30pm
Price: £38.50
Christmas Meal 1st December Coach leaves Maghull Square 9:30 prompt.
Face coverings must be worn on the Coach.

December Ramble

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22 of us took our monthly ramble yesterday followed by a Christmas meal Setting out from Town Green station we crossed the park then used Ron Gordon Way ( previously known as footpath no 10) to St Michaels Church Aughton. Bypassing the Stanley Arms, much to the consternation of some of the men, we took the now unmarked footpath, which actually goes up someone’s drive, to exit at Northway. Continue reading

Stop press – Last coffee morning

The last coffee morning  of 2021 is currently planned for  Tuesday 14th December from 10 – 11.15

We will then, hopefully resume on January 4th with limited services for anyone needing to pay Group Leaders for trips etc. and open fully on 11th January

All plans are ‘Covid fluid’ so watch this space.