Day Trips

Hello. Trust you all had a really nice Christmas with a good selection of nice pressies.  Well here it is New Year’s Eve again.! What lies ahead of us this year?  Can you believe it will be two years in February since this mayhem started? Let’s just hope it is now near to finishing.  Well our u3a recommences on the 11th January and hope to see you there for a chat and coffee (free)  In view of the ongoing uncertainty that we have at the moment with the Omicron version, Day Trips will not be organising any days out for the time being.  Normally, we resume our trips in February but this time it is looking like it will be March.  This is a sorry state of affairs I know and we will keep the situation  under review in case circumstances change for the more positive. In the meantime, we would like to wish you all  a very Happy, Peaceful and importantly a Healthy 2022.