December Ramble

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22 of us took our monthly ramble yesterday followed by a Christmas meal Setting out from Town Green station we crossed the park then used Ron Gordon Way ( previously known as footpath no 10) to St Michaels Church Aughton. Bypassing the Stanley Arms, much to the consternation of some of the men, we took the now unmarked footpath, which actually goes up someone’s drive, to exit at Northway.

Crossing here we walked across the fields which due to the recent rain were now very muddy, and took the slow steady incline to the top of Clieves Hill. Due to the clear day we had good views across the area. Having had a quick snack stop we continued through Gorse Hill Nature reserve and then onward to the reservoir area. Passing by  the grazing giraffes we continued downhill in the direction of Ormskirk. At this point some of the group seemed to decide to undertake their own ramble as they missed seeing the front group take a left turn, and they carried on to the main road! After a quick phone call to the errant group, they were reunited with the others and we continued down Cottage Lane, through the park and onward to the Cricketers where we enjoyed a Christmas lunch. Only 5.5 miles, which was more of a stroll  than a ramble, but nevertheless a lovely day with great winter sunshine and good company.

The rambles will continue next year (Covid permitting) with the first one being on 6th January which will be to the Wirral using public transport. Details to follow.

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