Sunday walkers – Hall Road Nov 21

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On a morning that was remarkably bright and sunny for the time of the year, 21 members decamped at Hall Road station where they were joined by 4 other members and Keith – a guest labradoodle guide possessing extensive knowledge of the intended route of the day’s walk.

After completing the usual preliminaries, the group set off for the first port of call at the Key Park. Here Frank and David provided background information as to how it was that this somewhat unique resource came into being for the benefit of the local residents, and how its facilities were safeguarded from excessive use.

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Wine Tasting 20th January 2022

A further wine tasting has been organised on the above date , commencing at 7.00pm at Winetime at Scatchards

The wines to be tasted will be a selection from Italy together with the usual cheese , meat , olives . biscuits etc.

The cost for the tasting will be £9.00 per member ( a taxi service to and from the tasting will be available at £8.00 per person)


Can all members taking the taxi transfer please wear a face covering while in the taxi and can all members wear a face covering when entering the wine shop.

Furthermore it is recommended that all members attending the wine tasting should take a “lateral flow test” on the day and if positive do not attend


Learn to map read

An opportunity is available to learn how to map read. Courses are free of charge.

Two types: day courses giving basic skills or  a longer course for unwaged persons which leads to a recognized qualification.

If interested please email

Sunday walkers – Rimrose

25 walkers got the train to Seaforth and Litherland and then took part in a walk to Rimrose Valley .  Again we were lucky with the weather . Bill made the walk really interesting sharing the history of the park . We stopped at 11am. along the canal to observe a 2 minute silence . Once we arrived at Waterloo station we split up to find places to eat .  Thanks again Bill .  Next week Cheryl and Frank are leading a walk from Hall Road details to follow later in the week.

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Notices – 09/11/21

Theatre: Last call for the Everyman Panto on 13th January at 1.30 cost £18. Tickets have to be booked this week. .

Snow Maiden’ by the Russian State Ballet of Siberia at the Empire has been booked for Tuesday 15th February at 7.30. Cost £28

Please see Theatre Desk for more information and to book

Plaza Cinema Crosby  are showing the film ‘Spencer’ on Tuesday 16 November at 1pm as part of their over 60s club. Admission price is £2.