Sunday walkers – Hall Road Nov 21

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On a morning that was remarkably bright and sunny for the time of the year, 21 members decamped at Hall Road station where they were joined by 4 other members and Keith – a guest labradoodle guide possessing extensive knowledge of the intended route of the day’s walk.

After completing the usual preliminaries, the group set off for the first port of call at the Key Park. Here Frank and David provided background information as to how it was that this somewhat unique resource came into being for the benefit of the local residents, and how its facilities were safeguarded from excessive use.

Moving off along what many had thought previously was a private road, the party then worked its way down onto the promenade of the Coastal Park, before heading upriver towards the Crosby Leisure Centre. There, the group turned inland to walk the route that it is planned will upgraded and linked to existing pathways in order to provide a through route for walkers and cyclists, with much improved access in place of the section of the promenade that is now inundated with drifting sand from the dunes.

On reaching Beach Lawn and the start of the Marine Gardens, there was a further pause as David pointed out various buildings of some importance, and also informed the group of some of the early aviation activity that sprang up on adjoining land, making use of the beach for flight take offs and landings.

At the end of Beach Lawn the party divided into two groups as those wishing to take a shorter route carried on along Marine Terrace and Gardens, whilst the more energetic turned to cross the Coastal Park once more to access the beach. After a short stretch along the beach, the merry throng turned once more into the Coastal Park to follow the path that runs between the Marine and Boating lakes and which eventually took us up to South Road. At this point the walk came to an end and members were able to take advantage of the various facilities on offer for brunch before taking the train back to base.

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