Chorley Circular Ramble

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13 members of the Rambling group met at Astley Hall near Chorley this morning to undertake the Chorley Circuit. Led by Ann and Peter we set off promptly and started to  explore the countryside, canals and parks surrounding the Lancashire town of Chorley. The route was said to take a little over 9 miles. but as is usual on our rambles a couple of wrong turns saw us complete a circuit of a little over 11 1/2 miles! Continue reading

Lake Garda Wine Tour 06/10/22 – 12/10/22

The scheduled itinerary for the Lake Garda tour  is now available  , the detail is complete and the cost is in the region of £1349 based on 30 members joining the tour , if not 30 the price will increase marginally , We may be offered “free pace entitlement” and I propose that this be divided between all members

There is no “single room supplement and 10 places are available , any “singles” after this may pay a supplement

6 night , 7 full day  , dinner bed and breakfast with 1/4 litre wine and 1/2 litre water at dinner. Wine tour based in  Torbole in the vicinity of Lake Garda , flying Manchester to Milan Bergamo (early flight out – late flight back)

“Flyer now available” together with “booking form”

Members should consider taking out “travel insurance” when forwarding booking form and deposit. The tour operator has advised Cancellation , Delays , Repatriation , Baggage & Belongings , Medical Expenses , Personal Liability and Covid. This is only a suggestion and each member is to determine there own cover requirements

12 places available 


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