Darwen Ramble

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15 members of the Rambling group set off this morning from Ryal Fold near Burnley to walk up to the 123 year old Jubillee Tower situated on the moors above the town. Starting from the little hamlet we descended along some steep paths to the banks of the Upper Roddlesworth Reservoir. At this point a light drizzle started and our hopes of a dry walk were in doubt. Continue reading

Architecture for Fun Christmas Lunch

Arrangements have been  arranged to hold the AFF Christmas Lunch on the 15th December 2021 commencing at 12 noon at the Academy Restaurant , Tradewind Square , Duke Street , Liverpool ,L1 5BG

The cost is £22.00 per person.

Menus are available for members who have  paid and these must be completed as to the required choices , signed and dated.

In the first instance members who are interested should text George Birchall on 07826 048379 to book a place and thereafter visit the Architecture for Fun desk , pay the cost and complete a menu form.