Sunday walkers – Otterspool

32 members of the Sunday Walkers group travelled by rail to St. Michaels station for a walk  to Liverpool’s Pier Head. Leaving the station we walked through Priory Woods and the old Garden Festival site and on to the waterfront. In warm sunshine and a light breeze we made the 3 miles along the promenade to the Pier Head around midday where we got a good view of Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth.

It was great to be out in great weather in good company.

The Friends of Sefton Park are providing a guided walk around the park for 35 of us next week followed by a meal in Lark Lane. Fingers crossed for a good day.

The Sunday Walkers group started with 3 and now has 50 members. Such a large group is just manageable but additional membership  is now closed..

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