Theatre Group

We are pleased to announce 3 new shows:

St George’s Hall, Sunday 5th December at 2.00 pm
Magic of Christmas Musicals. Tickets £18.00

The Philharmonic, Saturday evening, 11th December
Swinging Christmas.  Tickets £42.00

Everyman Thursday 13th January at 1.30 pm
Robin Hood, The pantomime. Tickets £17.00

The theatres can only hold the seats for a limited time, please book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Please come to the theatre desk, at the Baptist Church on Tuesday morning to book.

We will no longer be taking payment by installments.  Please pay the full amount by cheque.  Nb. the cheques will not be banked until we are ready to buy the tickets.  If you have to cancel before the tickets have been purchased, we will be able to return your cheque.