The Davy Notebooks Project

Dear U3A member secretary,

I’m Dr Andrew Lacey, Senior Research Associate in the Department of English Literature and Creative Writing at Lancaster University. I found your e-mail address on the contact pages of the U3A website.
The Davy Notebooks Project ( is currently doing some exciting research, with the help of the public, that may be of interest to your members. We and an international community of over 1400 volunteer transcribers are currently transcribing, using the people-powered research platform Zooniverse, Sir Humphry Davy’s (1778-1829) handwritten notebooks (around 70 in all), many of which have never been transcribed before.

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Day Trips

Please note there will be no ‘Day Trips’ table on Tuesday 26th October 2021. If you are on the trip to Briars Hall on the 23rd November, can you please let me know if you are vegetarian. If you are booked on the Christmas Lunch on the 8th December can you please return your choice of meal slips. If you haven’t got one they are available from our Tuesday morning table. Nice to see we are serving coffee again.  Thanks to the new volunteer team, You are appreciated.

Coach Travel Code – issued by our Coach Company – Holmeswood Coaches, but nationally recognized,  is very simple to follow  l. Double seat behind the Driver to be left free 2. Masks are optional. 3. Hand Sanitizer is available.


Sunday walkers – Otterspool

32 members of the Sunday Walkers group travelled by rail to St. Michaels station for a walk  to Liverpool’s Pier Head. Leaving the station we walked through Priory Woods and the old Garden Festival site and on to the waterfront. In warm sunshine and a light breeze we made the 3 miles along the promenade to the Pier Head around midday where we got a good view of Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth.

It was great to be out in great weather in good company.

The Friends of Sefton Park are providing a guided walk around the park for 35 of us next week followed by a meal in Lark Lane. Fingers crossed for a good day.

The Sunday Walkers group started with 3 and now has 50 members. Such a large group is just manageable but additional membership  is now closed..

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Theatre Group

We are pleased to announce 3 new shows:

St George’s Hall, Sunday 5th December at 2.00 pm
Magic of Christmas Musicals. Tickets £18.00

The Philharmonic, Saturday evening, 11th December
Swinging Christmas.  Tickets £42.00

Everyman Thursday 13th January at 1.30 pm
Robin Hood, The pantomime. Tickets £17.00

The theatres can only hold the seats for a limited time, please book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Please come to the theatre desk, at the Baptist Church on Tuesday morning to book.

We will no longer be taking payment by installments.  Please pay the full amount by cheque.  Nb. the cheques will not be banked until we are ready to buy the tickets.  If you have to cancel before the tickets have been purchased, we will be able to return your cheque.