Rainford Ride

4 of the In betweeners had a good ride today to Rainford, stopping at the Cherry Orchard for coffee and then back to Maghull via Bickerstaffe and Melling. We were lucky with the weather which stayed dry and apart from a keen headwind made good progress and got another 20 miles in the bag.


With the U3A hoping to open in the Baptist Church from September 7th the Computer Group will be available again.

If you need any assistance with your computers, tablets or smart phones you can drop in and see us in the Sanctuary on Tuesday mornings between 10:00 and 11:30 am

We are also hoping to offer one-to-one help again at other times by appointment.

We look forward to meeting you all again.

Rainford Ramble

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21 Members of the Rambling group had a great walk in the Rainford area today. Led by Ann and Peter Willox we began and ended the walk at the Derby Arms pub. Following local paths we soon walked out of the village and completed a circuit of a little under 8 miles. Having called in at the Sidings nature reserve some of the group took the time for a brief refreshment stop whilst viewing the info boards about the colliery previously located on the site. The walk took us across lovely open countryside using field tracks and we were lucky just to get caught in one very brief shower instead of the downpours that had been predicted. Returning back to the start point we enjoyed a very sociable meal in the pub, a perfect end to a great ramble, and it was lovely to welcome new members today.

Technology and science

Well guys, it looks like we can get the ball rolling in September. Topics will be:

08 Sep  ‘Emerald green and walls that kill’

22 Sep   Sepsis

We look forward to seeing you all and putting the last 18 months behind us.

Remember, if you wish to present a topic or have a suggestion for a suitable topic then let us know and we can set the wheels in motion.

Resuming group activities

At today’s committee meeting it was agreed that all group activities can resume immediately subject to the following conditions being met:

  • All meeting venues must have an agreed risk assessment (RA) in place
  • All group members must be familiar with the venue RA and groups own RA !

The Tuesday morning meeting at Maghull Baptist church will resume on Tuesday 7th September as an initial trial with restricted numbers and NO refreshments!  Hopefully, this will be a temporary measure and may be reviewed at the end of September.

The latest ‘resuming group activities‘ document is here

Group leaders risk assessment here.
Group members risk assessment here