Day Trips

Hello Everyone.Hope you are keeping well, been double vaccinated and rearing to go. Well do you think we might be, could be, is it possible to be getting back to some  normality after all this time? There is no mention of Coffee Mornings recommencing just yet, although I think u3a holds them at Costa instead.  You meet so many of us in there! Until the coffee mornings return it is difficult to forecast when  day trips will recommence as they are our main point of sale. However, I have been in touch with our coach company Holmeswood and they are returning hopefully to normal working after the 19th July. We will just have to be patient a little longer to see what the news is from the Committee. In the meantime, stay safe, keep well and we should be able to meet soon.

Crosby Circuit

The Inbetweeners had a lovely circuit this morning from Maghull to Crosby shore and return. Sadly our planned coffee stop at the Courtyard in Little Crosby was foiled as it looks as if they have closed down! However we found a little artisan coffee shop in Crosby village which fit the bill. Lovely to have Stephen join us today so our little cycle group is growing again,

Technology and science

The technology and science group will hopefully resume bi weekly activities on Wednesday September 8th at 2 pm in Kensington House.

We have a varied subject list in hand and hopefully can put the last 18 months behind us.

If you have any ideas for subjects or would like to do a presentation yourself please contact Colin or Phil and we can get you going.

In the meantime stay safe and get ready.

Just to wet your appetite 🙂

DAC for Scotland

Killer batteries

Geothermal mining