Visit the NWAA websiteGood afternoon,

I wanted to get in touch as I work in the community team at the North West Air Ambulance Charity.

We are looking to put a team of 30 riders together for the Liverpool Chester Liverpool (LCL) bike ride to raise funds which could pay for one of our next missions and help save a life.

We receive no government or NHS funding and need to raise over £9.5 million each year to keep our crew equipped and operation ready to save lives. It’s all thanks to the generosity of our incredible supporters that we can make a difference.

It costs just £10 to register for a place on the team which and we ask riders if they could raise £50 through sponsorship to support the work that we do to keep us flying and ensure we can be there for those that need us the most.

I wondered if this is something that may be of interest to your group and if you would be happy to share the details please?

The link to register or for more information is https://nwaa.net/event/lclbikeride2021

If this is of interest or you would like to talk through in more detail, please feel free to contact me on the details below.

Best wishes


Ramblers at the Dream

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17 ramblers took part in a 7 miles circular walk from Bold Heath to the Dream today. After the brilliant sunshine of yesterday, the day was overcast and cloudy but it was an ideal day for walking as was warm but not too sweltering. The route took us from the busy main road to the bridge over the M62 motorway but then onto the paths and byways of Clockface country park. This is a 57 acre park developed on the reclaimed land of the former Clockface colliery. Continue reading

Oh deer.

one of the younger members of our family did this . I love it.

We have been using art as lockdown therapy in our family.

Each member set a weekly subject challenge, others had to give their interpretation.

I may post others soon

Take care everyone . Maureen