Free hampers for Lydiate residents

Good afternoon Dot,  I hope you are well.

Lydiate Parish Council is giving out hampers to residents of Lydiate who are vulnerable, shielding, perhaps lonely during the festive period, or to someone who has gone above and beyond helping others this year. We were wondering whether U3A would have any members in mind they would like to nominate? It would be amazing if you could share this information with your members as anyone can nominate – they need to be a Lydiate Resident.

If anyone has someone they would like to nominate we need a name, contact details and a reason why this person has been nominated. The closing date is midnight on the 16th December 2020.

Kind regards – Laura Johnson

Clerical Officer, Lydiate Village Centre, Lambshear Lane

Lydiate, Merseyside, 0151 527 2662


Office hours : Mon – Fri 9.00 a.m. til 12.00 p.m.

5000+ miles in 3 months

At the end of July members of the Sunday Strollers decided to start a new group to encourage members who had been shielding to get out and walk.  So the Walk a Mile Group was formed.

Our first walk at the beginning of August was just over 1.5miles along the canal.  Very quickly we had 30+ people wishing to join the group.  We walked every Sunday in groups of 6 and increased the length of our walks, so the name of the group was changed to Walk a Mile or Two or WAMOT. (Phil’s idea thanks Phil).

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U3A North West and Lancs

U3A North West and Lancashire is promoting a project called ‘My Street’ where a photograph of your street can be taken, images and text added to it,  which could then be featured on the U3A North West web site. Click here for details.

Another project has produced a book which is certainly topical.

U3A in the Time of Corona         

This book is based on the Diary Project and has been created using contributions from U3A members all over the country.

It chronicles our reactions to coronavirus and isolation, as well as how to get a supermarket delivery, how to cut your own hair and what to do with all that free time.  Some people sent drawings, photographs and poems, which have been included.

The book is A4, 120 pages, colour printed and costs £10 including postage.

If you would like to order a copy, please go to the national website

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WAMOT – walk a mile or two

What can we say? 

After setting a ‘group’ walking target of 1000 miles in September it was decided to have another go in October.  Both targets achieved with miles to spare.  So then a new target of 5000 miles for the quarter (Sep-Nov) was set and, guess what, we hit 5111 miles.

It really is a credit to all 35 folk in the group for having a go. From the zimmer frame stroller with a mile at a time to the canal bank strider doing 5 miles a day its a brilliant achievement so well done to all and special thanks to Brenda for the sums.